Thursday, May 21, 2020

Hello all!

Hope everyone is having a great week.

We are working on an issue with the email/notice sender from OnRamp as we had sent an email out to everyone on Monday looking to see what people were looking for with their new schedule and life and what an idea week or month of training would look like for them from day to day.

We are in the midst of confirming our schedule both in person and online and want to do our best to serve the community in and out of the gym with everything we have worked on over the past 6 years and now within the past 2 months.

Please stay patient with us as we get this notice and survey out to everyone and we can move forward with the schedule and releasing our procedures for reopening the 782 facilities in person on June 1st!

Zoom Workout - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Pon De Replay”

3 minutes AMRAP - 1 minute off x 5 Rounds

12 Reverse Lunges

9 Ground to Overhead

6 Pushups

Get to work during those 3 minutes and earn that recovery!

Skill & Thrills

4 Rounds

5 Strict Pullups

10 V-Snaps/T2B

1 minute Handstand Walking Practice

Running Club

Rest Day



Down Dog

Seal / Sphinx


Half Saddle

Half Seated Frog

- Team 782

Maritimes in Motion Workout #4

Check out Johnny Hunka & Pierre-Luc Labbe as well on YouTube to see them take on workout number 4.

This video gives you the details to complete workout 4 for Maritimes In Motion for each division.


4 Rounds

40 Jumping Lunges (alternating, 20 per side)

30 DB Floor Press (15 per side)

20 DB OHS (10 per side)

Move Hard

4 Rounds

40 Jumping Lunges (alternating, 20 per side)

30 Object Floor Press

20 Object Squats

Just Move

3 Rounds

40 Shoulder Taps (alternating, 20 per side)

30 Squats

20 Reverse Lunges (alternating, 10 per side)

- Team 782

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hello Wednesday!

Hope you all are having a great time mid week here.

The sun is out and although it may be a bit windy or chilly we hope you are getting some time out enjoying the sun in your workouts.

We are in the midst of planning out our schedule for everyone for both CF782 and 782 Athletics and right now the plan is to have a class every 90 minutes. For example we would have class at 10am and then again at 1130am. That would be give you the full hour for your class and then 15 minutes to clean out the space and free up the area for the next class to come in. At CF782 we would have the capacity to host 10 people in each class with a coach and at 782 Athletics 8 people per class with a coach. There will be definitely a scheduling app where you will sign up for your class.

We will continue the accessory work for your running, your mobility, and your skills/core from home and the focus of the programming done in class will be on strength, both gymnastics and lifting, and your classic CrossFit conditioning.

As we plan for June 1st this week we will continue to update you through emails what this new normal will look like with the 782 Family. Thank you always for being patient and sticking with us every step of the way. Can not wait to get back in those two spaces and get to build a strong, secure, sexy community with you all.

Zoom Live Workouts - 7am/12pm/5pm

782 Workout of the Day


15 minute Ascending Ladder

400m Run

10 Squat Jumps

10 Shoulder to Overhead

400m Run

20 Squat Jumps

20 Shoulder to Overhead

400m Run

30 Squat Jumps

30 Shoulder to Overhead

No where to hide here. Just the way we like it.

Let’s go.

Get outside and get to work on this one.

The weight for the shoulder to overhead should be light enough you can cycle the first rounds unbroken.

Each run counts for 1 rep.

782 Skills & Thrills

4 Rounds

45 second Side Plank

45 second Side Plank

45 second Russian Twists

45 second Rest

Here we build some obliques to work on balance and stability

782 Running Club

Rest Day

782 Mobility


Half Seated Frog

Half Front Split


- Team 782

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hope you all had a glorious long weekend and you were able to enjoy some fitness and some sunshine.

Things are going to keep swinging away as usual over the next few weeks until we get to Monday, June 1st. We will be looking at doing time slots to get gear back at both locations between May 25 and May 30 so we can have everything set up when the time is right.

Check your emails for daily emails with any updates regarding the opening plan and the protocols we will have in place.

If you do not seem to be getting the emails check your junk folder or send us a message and we will make sure your email is added to the list.

Zoom Workouts - 7am/12pm/5pm

Youth Zoom Workout - 11am

Workout of the Day

“Jump On It”

4 Rounds

50 DU’s/100 SU’s/50 Plate Hops/45 seconds practice

20 Walking Lunges

50 DU’s/100 SU’s/50 Plate Hops/45 seconds practice

20 V-Snaps

Skills & Thrills

4 Rounds

5 Strict Pullups

5 Strict HSPU/Weighted Pushups

60 second Plank

Running Club

Recovery Week This Week

Little change in focus this week after doing a time trial.  Hopefully you gave it a try and enjoyed pushing yourself.  I decided to do a half-marathon, and I was surprised that I was actually able to put in an effort that was fairly similar to race effort.  This week we are going to kill two birds with one stone and work on recovery and building mileage base.  No official workouts this week, but feel free to throw in any little pick-ups as you see fit.  They can range from 20 seconds to 2 minutes, whatever feels right.  Speed doesn’t matter either: listen to your body and go by feel.

Run 1 - 15 - 30 minutes


“To Inspire”

Puppy Dog

Standing Straddle

Seated Cross Shin

Single Leg Forward Fold

- Team 782

Monday, May 18, 2020


Tomorrow is suppose to be another beautiful day for you so we have a spicy little holiday workout ahead.

Our schedule will be to have class at 6am and then again at 10am live on Zoom, but make sure you get this workout in at some point tomorrow and then go out and enjoy the sunshine.

As most of you have heard already as well we will be opening up both spaces sooner than expected, which is June 1st. There are many protocols to work out over the next two weeks, but we are well on our way to putting together a schedule and plan to suit everyone’s needs both online and in our physical spaces.

You know we can not wait to get back together with everyone and share in on some fitness.

Zoom Workout - 6am/10am

Workout of the Day

“Grand Victorian”

800m Run

(and then)

5 Rounds

10 Bent Over Rows (BB/DB/KB/Plate)

15 Pushups

20 Situps

(and then)

1.6K Run

(and then)

5 Rounds

20 Squat Jumps

15 G2OH

10 Burpees

(and then)

800m Run

This is a long one so pace yourself out the gate and enjoy that sun shining down on your fitness.

No time cap, but if the running is a bit long for you scale that back or scale the number of rounds down to 3 or 4 to finish in 30 to 45 minutes.

We want something long here, but something under an hour.

Once most people come back from the workout we will start ROMWOD on our Zoom call.

Skills & Thrills

Rest Day

Running Club

Rest Day

782 Mobility

Updated Monday morning.

- Team 782

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Happy Weekend to you all!

As most of you have heard by now we are looking to be able to open the gym earlier than expected.

The opening date looks to be June 1st now so we will be taking this week to expedite this process with our sending out our protocols and schedule to everyone and getting our gear back.

We will be in touch shortly about this. As well we plan on continuing a lot of our virtual programming and coaching for those that will still need to workout from home.

This Monday being a holiday we will have class at 6am/10am. This will hopefully allow you to get up and get your workout in on Zoom if you choose to do so!

- Team 782

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Good Weekend!

Hope you all had a great week and are ready for a beautiful weekend.

If you get the chance to grab a group of people and get outside to workout do so. Go golfing, go for a walk, a hike, sit on the back deck. Whatever works for you so you can enjoy that sun out there.

Continue to monitor social distancing the the rules put in place to protect us long term, but do what you can to bring some of you life back as you need to.

As we get ready to open we want to hear from you as well about your schedule. What you want your day to look like. You training. Your routine and habits. We will be sending out a survey soon about this as we update and plan our schedule and protocols for both facilities.

Zoom Live Workout - 10am

Workout of the Day

Maritimes in Motion WOD #3

“Up-Down DT”

100 Burpees over the DB for Time - 12 minute Cap

Round 1 - 2 minutes on - 1 minute off

Round 2 - 2 minutes on - 1 minute off

Round 3 - 2 minutes on - 1 minute off

Round 4 - 3 minutes on


7 Left Arm DB Suitcase Deadlifts

5 Left Arm DB Hang Power Cleans

3 Left Arm Shoulder to Overhead

7 Right Arm DB Suitcase Deadlifts

5 Right Arm DB Hang Power Cleans

3 Right Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead

Max Effort Burpees over the DB

Move Hard

14 Odd Object Deadlifts

10 Odd Object Hang Power Cleans

6 Odd Object Shoulder to Overhead

Max Effort Burpees over the Object

Just Move

24 Mountain Climbers (12 per leg)

12 Forward Lunges (6 per leg)

Max Effort Step Up/Step Down Burpees

If you get to 100 burpees before the 12 minute time cap you will have a scored time. If you do not finish the 100 burpees before the 12 minute mark you will have a time of 12 minutes plus 1 second for every burpee not completed. For example if I finished 97 burpees I would have a score of 12:03 as I did not complete 3 burpees.

Skills & Thrills

10 attempts at a max distance broad jump

15 Snatches or 30 Overhead Squats (with any object) - great practice

5 minute skipping practice (triple unders/double unders/etc.)

I would do two jumps and then 3 snatches and then 1 minute of skipping practice for 3 rounds

Running Club

Run 3

Mock Short Race. Sure it’ll hurt a little, but you’ll feel great after and have lots to talk about!


Saddle Archer

Extended Arm

Lizard Frog


- Team 782

Friday, May 15, 2020


Hope you are all enjoying this week and looking forward to a good partner workout for yourselves on Friday.

On Saturday we will be doing the Maritimes in Motion workout as a class at 10am and hope you will be able to do it at some point throughout the day.

If you have not been able to register yet you can still do so at We are 15 away from hitting the 1000 person mark, which would be fantastic!

Still planning on opening both spots on June 12th all the while keeping our virtual classes, programming, and check ins going on for our members. We have our protocols filled in for both places and ready to go and next week we are going to start prepping the two gyms to be ready to go come mid June.

An email will be sent out to everyone outlining these guidelines to give you the next few weeks to ask questions and discuss all options moving forward!

Zoom Workouts - 6am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Party Time”

12 Rounds with a Partner

12 Pistols or 12 Goblet Squats

6 Single Arm Devil’s Press

200m Run

Alternate rounds with your partner so you do 6 rounds each.

Skills & Thrills

4 Rounds for Quality

5 Strict Pullups or Bent Over Rows

10 V-Snaps or T2B or Leg Raises

25’ Handstand Walk

Running Club

Rest Day


“Always Better”

Puppy Dog

Low Dragon

Seated Forward Fold

Seated Straddle

Standing Straddle

- Team 782

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Good evening!

Let’s have some fun this week and weekend.

The weather is suppose to be nice over the next few days so grab a group (and remain socially distant) and get outside for some activities.

Whether that be golf, a hike, some fishing, or whatever suits your fancy, continue that social interaction that we have been holding on to virtually!

We will keep you updated on our opening plans over the next few weeks. No current news other than what was written over the past few days!

One big thing we can state is we will be continuing the virtual workouts and the check ins as we do make that transition to training again in a physical location. We will have a hybrid approach where you will be able to come back to the gym and get in your training and have access to at home workouts to do with your bodyweight or gear of your own. We will most likely be looking to get gear back the first week of June.

Zoom Workouts - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Shoot To Win”

4 Rounds For Time

10 Burpees

20 Jumping Lunges

50 DU’s/100 SU’s/50 Plate Hops

Something simple, but effective here to get that heart pumping!

782 Skills & Thrills

3 Rounds for Quality

30sec Hollow Hold

30sec Plank

30sec Side Plank

30sec Side Plank

1 minute Situps

1-2 minute Rest between sets

782 Running Club

Rest Day

782 Mobility



Extended Arm Lizard

Twisted Lizard


Seated Forward Fold

Seated Straddle


Supine Twist

For Thursday you have the option to do a full length ROMWOD that will last an hour to work on your mobility or the shortened version we do at the end of class to work on maintaining mobility.

We will also be adding this to Sunday’s mobility class.

- Team 782

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Good Evening.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day, maybe relaxing inside until the sunshine makes an appearance later this week.

This weekend would have marked our 5th version of MayDay Mania. This is one of those occasions where we will be sad to see the weekend go by and not be able to be around all you amazing people. Right now the plan is still to be able to host it when we get the clearance to have large events, we just are not sure when that will be.

As I wrote yesterday we are in the midst of creating our protocols upon reopening and during our one on one meetings I have been able to answer questions or provide more details for our plans. If you have not yet please set yourself up with one of the meetings at:

Can’t wait to see you all soon and we hope you can all continue making yourselves proud with the decisions you make day in and day out!

Zoom Online Class - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Tap Water”


Weighted DB Situps


directly into


Goblet Squats

DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks (alternating every rep)

Something a little short and sharp here mid week with the snow coming (again) you can tuck away inside and get this done and hopefully have some fun with it.

782 Skills & Thrills


HSPU/Weighted Pushups

Strict Pullups/Bent Over Rows (heavy)

Back/Weighted Squats

20 V-Snaps after each set

Some high skill gymnastics strength here if you are able to.

Make sure you check this page and the competition track on SugarWOD if you have access to more equipment.

782 Running Club

Run 2

A pacing run: Calculate the pace you want to run for your race. For example, if you want to do 3km in 14 minutes, then that would be 4:40 per km. A 25 minute 5km race would be 5:00 per km. Then warm up for 5-10 minutes followed by 3 to 5 times 800m at your race pace with either 3 minutes total rest or a 400m jog in between each one. Then be sure to cool down. This is easiest to measure at a track. UPEI is closed, but Stone Park, Montague and Bluefield all have 400m dirt tracks. Don’t do this any later than Wednesday.

782 Mobility

Down Dog




- Team 782

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


As many of you read yesterday we are in the midst of creating a plan to re open on June 12th. Although we do not have anything set in stone from the government we will be opening both spots on a reduced schedule and reduced class capacity, but will be increasing our schedule to meet these in person demands. We will also be continuing our at home programming and weekly/monthly check ins as we work on updating our goal setting and accountability app for all our members.

If at any point if you have any questions or concerns for us please feel free to reach out as we are open to all discussions as we go through another unprecedented time trying to navigate these new normals with you all.

Hope you all got to be outside over the past 24 hours and are ready to hunker down for some rain before what looks like another beautiful week.

From our social team we are looking at planning a golf outing at some point and down the road possible a car rally. The Saturday night socials we such a fantastic experience and as we we can do more now we want to keep those plans up with you all.

Zoom Workouts - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Cinco De Butter”

50 Step Ups/Box Jumps/Broad Jumps

50 DB/KB/BB/Plate Bent Over Rows

50 Kettlebell or DB Swings

50 Walking Lunges

50 V-Snaps

50 Push Press

50 DB/KB/BB Deadlifts

50 Thrusters

50 Burpees

50 DU’s/100 SU’s

To watch the full workout and explanation check out this link:

782 Skills & Thrills

6 Rounds

30 second side plank

30 second side plank

30 second hollow hold

30 second rest

782 Running Club

Rest Day

782 Mobility

Twisted Cross

Puppy Dog


Extended Arm Lizard


Follow along with our classes or check out ROMWOD to get going on this.

- Team 782

Week of May 11 Running Workouts

Run 1

Nice and easy: 15-30 minutes at conversational pace. Take it slowly and comfortably.

Run 2

A pacing run: Calculate the pace you want to run for your race. For example, if you want to do 3km in 14 minutes, then that would be 4:40 per km. A 25 minute 5km race would be 5:00 per km. Then warm up for 5-10 minutes followed by 3 to 5 times 800m at your race pace with either 3 minutes total rest or a 400m jog in between each one. Then be sure to cool down. This is easiest to measure at a track. UPEI is closed, but Stone Park, Montague and Bluefield all have 400m dirt tracks. Don’t do this any later than Wednesday.

Run 3

Mock Short Race. Sure it’ll hurt a little, but you’ll feel great after and have lots to talk about!

Run 4

Recovery: Easy 20-30 minute recovery run the day after you race. Your legs will thank you.

Crossfit Week 7:

So here’s the plan.  Next weekend, the Bluenose Marathon is having a free virtual race ranging from 3km to a full marathon.

Click on the link below to sign up for a little motivation.  Pick a distance you’re comfortable with, and have some fun with it.  The runs we’ve been doing have been geared toward 3km-10km.

If this isn’t something you’re interested in, then race without registering and decide if you want to record it.  This should be fun and good motivation to run hard.

As for this week’s runs:

In order to get ready for a race, you actually have to run less during the week leading up to it.  In the running world, we call this tapering.  The key is to let your body rest after all the hard work you’ve done and stay sharp at the same time.

- Team 782

Monday, May 11, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mothers out there near and far!

If you would like to book another appoint with either Mike or I sign up here.

As well we are updating the app this week so it will be something we use even once we get back into the gym. The goal will be for you to have a weekly and monthly and long term goal related to fitness, nutrition, sleep, and other with habits built in to reach that goal for each part. You will have a coach that will check in with you bi weekly to help you stay accountable whether you are training from home or from the gym or both. We also will have an area in there for your why so you can review your reasons to keep working towards your goal and your best life.

We also want to give you as many details as we can with our reopening plan.

Currently we are looking at opening the doors back up to 782 Athletics and CrossFit 782 on June 12th with a limited capacity per class and a different schedule set up. This will be dependent on the government guidelines and our own moral code for social responsibility as we want this to be the best case scenario for everyone involved. We will be most likely getting equipment back from everyone between June 4th and 6th so we can have a week to set up our facilities to best serve you when we open up. We will be posting full details of our protocols and plans on re opening as we know more through the government and will keep you informed every step of the way.

Zoom Workout - 6am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Triple Steal”

2 Rounds

400m Run

50 Situps

2 Rounds

400m Run

50 G2OH/Kettlebell Swings

2 Rounds

400m Run

50 Air Squats

Suppose to be a rainy day Tuesday so we want to get outside and use the nice weather when we have it. Really looking forward to this workout.

782 Skills & Thrills

3 Sets for Quality

5 Clean & Jerks

5 Pullups

2 minute Front Plank

If you have a barbell use the clean and jerks for load. If not pick an object and work on form for this movement and mix in some broad jumps

782 Running Club

Run 1

Nice and easy: 15-30 minutes at conversational pace. Take it slowly and comfortably

782 Mobility

  • Twisted Cross

  • Puppy Dog

  • Low Dragon

  • Standing Straddle

  • Pigeon

- Team 782

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother’s Day to all those wonderful ladies out there!

Have a good day everyone and get out to see some of those people we know you all miss!

We are going to run an extended ROMWOD session at 10:00 for anyone who is interested.

- Team 782

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The weekend is here!

We hope you get to enjoy as much of it as possible over the next few days!

We will be doing the Maritimes in Motion Workout #2 at the 10am Zoom class if you want to jump in for some fun with a great crew. Remember you have until Sunday night at 6pm to submit your scores.

Get up and get after it!

Zoom Class - 10am

Maritimes in Motion Workout #2

“Doublin’ Down”

100 DU’s/100 SU’s/100 Lateral Hops/2-3 minutes practice

80 Reverse Lunges

100 DU’s/100 SU’s/100 Lateral Hops/2-3 minutes practice

60 Hand Release Pushups

100 DU’s/100 SU’s/100 Lateral Hops/2-3 minutes practice

40 Single Arm DB Thrusters

100 DU’s/100 SU’s/100 Lateral Hops/2-3 minutes practice

20 Reverse Burpees

For Just Move it is 50’s and then 40/30/20/10.

Hope you all get the chance to do this workout on the weekend. Maybe once, maybe twice, maybe 10 times!

782 Skills & Thrills

3 Attempts

1 minute Triple Under Practice

1 minute Handstand Walk for distance or Wall Walk practice

1 minute Glute Bridge (reverse plank)

1 minute Broad Jump for distance

782 Running Club

Rest Day

782 Mobility



Single Legged Forward Fold

Two long holds here for the hips and hamstrings.

- Team 782

Friday, May 8, 2020

G’day there.

Friday is here and it is nearly the weekend!

We hope you enjoyed the first week of Maritimes in Motion and for the second week you will throw down with us this Saturday for Doublin’ Down. We will be doing this workout as part of the class at 10am on Saturday, but you can do it anytime between now and Sunday evening and submit your scores.

As we get through this rainy weather together if you can find some time to do some driveway or backyard sitting with groups of five we hope you do so. It will give you back some of that normalcy of social interaction as we start this transition phase with renew PEI.

And tomorrow we officially give you a partner workout. So if you are home with someone get together for this workout or find a video buddy to do this workout with.

If you have questions about the competition track on SugarWOD send me a message. There are usually different movements there for people who may have their own home gym, but we can always make adaptations for anyone who wants to try these workouts.

Zoom Workout - 6am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

Caught Up”

16 minute AMRAP

14 Situps

12 Pistols or 12 DB Squats

10 DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks (alternating arms each rep)

8 Burpees over the DB

Alternate movements with your partner through this 16 minute block.

782 Skills & Thrills

4 Sets

5 Strict Pullups or 10 DB Renegade Rows

5 Snatches (if you have a barbell) or 10 Broad Jumps

200m Sprint

Rest as long as needed between rounds

782 Running Club

Run 3

Nice and easy recovery run.

Conversational pace for 20-40 minutes, again, based on fitness and experience.  Just listen to your body and do what feels right.

782 Mobility


Seated Forward Fold

Seated Straddle

Supine Twist

Child's Pose

Join us at the end of class or check out ROMWOD for these movements and how you can do them on your own time.

Been adding this to my training for the past two weeks and love how it is helping my body recover.

- Team 782

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hello there Thursday.

Hope everyone is having a great week.

Reminder to tune into our YouTube page tonight around 630 to watch Mike Ives, Scotty Mac (CF Per Ardua), and Tony Levesque (CF Grand Battery) throw down with workout #2 from our Maritimes in Motion. We have over 950 people registered and most of them completing the workout and submitting their score. Keep up the great work team and stay focused on what you can control over the next few weeks with your training and everyday life.

Thank you to everyone for the great turn out Tuesday night to celebrate the great accomplishment of Anikha Greer qualifying for the CrossFit Games after placing 2nd in the female 16-17 year old division. As we all know we have not been able to celebrate this massive victory and we know she will not get to show off that skill this summer, but it is awesome to see what a strong community we have to support one of our own with what they have done worldwide.

As well at the same time big shoutout to Mike Ives who officially placed 13th overall in his division, 50-54 year old men after video review. No penalties either for him so he stayed in the exact same spot and he will keep pushing forward to keep improving over the next few years to crack that top 10, Worldwide!

Zoom Workout - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Pull the Chute”

(adapted from Thursday, February 6)


Squat Jumps

Bent Over Rows (plate/KB/DB/BB/Object)

MB/Weighted Situps


Something steady state here on Thursday to sweat a bit and stay out of the rain!

Youth - 11am

782 Skills & Thrills

3 Sets for Quality

50’ Handstand Walk or 4 Wall Walks or 30 Shoulder Taps

25 V-Snaps

15 Perfect Overhead Squats (BB/Odd Object/no weight)

For the overhead squats practice with just hands above head or hold a broom handle to work on mobility and form.

782 Running Club

Rest Day

782 Mobility

“Life Changing”

Saddle Eagle

Saddle Archer

Puppy Dog


Seated Straddle

Supine Twist

Thread Flat Needle

We will be doing this work in the classes after the workout. Skill work can be done after this or on your own time throughout the day.

- Team 782

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hello Everyone.

Hope you are all having a great week thus far and staying warm with the third winter season of the year taking flight this week.

We still have our running programmed so if you can find a 20-30 minute block each day to get your running in, where you dress warm of course, try to stick with it. One of my fitness goals is to make sure I do run twice a week for at least 3 or more kilometres each time. For those big runners out there it may not seem like a lot, but for me it is a start and helps me stay consistent with it.

You have already probably heard the news of the 4 different phases of PEI opening back up and we are currently looking at being part of that 3rd phase come June 12th. While nothing is set in stone yet with the dates or protocols in place we are in the midst of planning how at 782 this would roll out for everyone. As we continue this plan we will keep you updated and will always reach out from what we may need from you. We also want you to do the same with us, reach out for anything you need.

And if you need to book a one on one session still please do so by following these links

Youth Zoom Workout - 1pm

For information on the youth/teen workouts please send an email to

Zoom Workouts - 7am/12pm/5

Workout of the Day


(adapted from Thursday, February 27)

3 Rounds

1 minute max reps at each station

Ground to Overhead (DB/BB/KB/Plate/Odd Object)


Box Jumps/Step Ups/Box Jump Overs/Broad Jumps

Mountain Climbers

Burpees/cal Row or Bike/Shuttle Run


782 Skills & Thrills

4 Sets for Quality

5 Strict Pullups

5 Broad Jumps for length

5 Strict HSPU

10 Pistols or Goblet Squats

782 Running Club

Run 2

A run with some tempo pace to it. 

5 -10 minute warm-up, 15-20 minutes at tempo pace, then 5-10 minute cool down.  The best way to describe tempo pace is slower than race pace but significantly quicker than easy pace.  Your heart rate should be up, but you should still be able to talk in short bursts.  If 15-20 minutes is too much, start with 5, then see how much longer you can hold the pace down the road sometime.

782 Mobility

“Serious Swole”

Twisted Cross - 1 minute per side

Thread the Needle - 1 minute per side

Seal or Sphinx - 1 minute

Down Dog - 1 minute

Standing Forward Fold - 2 minutes

Pigeon - 3 minutes per side

- Team 782

Week of May 4th Running Workouts

Run 1: 

Xs on a soccer field. 

This is a good workout for working on speed and stamina.  Warm up for 5 or ten minutes, then run a series of Xs on a soccer field.  Go hard on the long diagonals, then jog the ends.  Repeat the pattern for 15 to 30 minutes.  This is a great workout.  Bring some upbeat music or a friend to keep you going.

Run 2: 

A run with some tempo pace to it. 

5 -10 minute warm-up, 15-20 minutes at tempo pace, then 5-10 minute cool down.  The best way to describe tempo pace is slower than race pace but significantly quicker than easy pace.  Your heart rate should be up, but you should still be able to talk in short bursts.  If 15-20 minutes is too much, start with 5, then see how much longer you can hold the pace down the road sometime.

Run 3: 

Nice and easy recovery run.

Conversational pace for 20-40 minutes, again, based on fitness and experience.  Just listen to your body and do what feels right.

Run 4: 

Long run. 

Make this a little shorter than last week.  I’m thinking maybe we try a little virtual 5km race next weekend, so we’ll taper a little bit between now and then.

- Team 782

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hello there Tuesday.

Remember to get signed up for a meeting with either Mike or I to help set a few goals or just for a good chat about fitness and life and all the good stuff.

Wednesday night we make our next announcement for Maritimes in Motion.

We hope you enjoyed the first workout and it is giving you something to look forward to each week to do as a large group and support those families in need right now.

And keep your Tuesday night free! (at 7pm!!)

We continue tomorrow with some retesting of workouts.

Zoom Workout - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day


80 Goblet Thrusters (DB/KB/BB/Plate/etc.)

60 DB Snatches (alternating) or Ground to Overhead

40 Burpees

Something taxing on the mind just as much as the body.

Try to start off steady and then just suffer through until you finish.

Skills & Thrills

4 Sets for Quality

5 Deadlifts (KB/BB/Odd Object/DB/etc.) - slow and controlled with lighter weight

10 T2B/V-Snaps

After your 4 sets complete:

Elbow Plank for Time

Lots of core work in the workout of the day and the skills and thrills and then we want to test out your static strength once this is all done.

Running Club


“Choose Happy”

Dragon Pose - 1 minute per side

Seated Cross Shin - 2 minutes per side

Supine Split - 1 minute per side x 2

Choose your pieces from today and mix them up as you need to.

Maybe you want to start with a run and then do your skill work and come back later in the day for your classic CrossFit work and mobility. You do you.

- Team 782
