Thursday, September 12, 2019 (CF782)

Hello everyone!

We are in 3rd place right now in the fundraising for MotionBall for Special Olympics Canada and Special Olympics PEI.

If you can keep the donations coming we can jump up and help support such a wonderful cause.

If we have anyone that still would like to come out that day and be part of the team that would be fantastic as I will be on one foot and we will need all the man and woman power we can get. Let me know if you would like to sign up for the team. If not drop in to check things out!

As well get your name signed up on the chalkboard so we can get ourselves set up for the golf tournament coming up on Saturday, September 21!

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630


Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds (12 minutes)

2 Hang Power Cleans

The goal here is to work on your power in that hip extension.

It is a shortened movement so you need to really drive the legs through the grip and get the bar as high on your hips as possible.


One time through


100 DU’s/200 SU’s/2 minutes of purposeful practice

75 Situps

50 Step Ups

25 Power Cleans (155/105) (115/75) (75/55)

50 Stationary Reverse Lunges

75 Situps

100 DU’s/200 SU’s/2 minutes of purposeful practice

20 minute Cap

The wheels on the bus go round and round. The speed up with the double unders, they move steady through the situps, the go forward and then in reverse on the step ups and reverse lunges, and on the cleans they go into four wheel drive to move through that sticking point.

782 PrimeTimers - 10am

Skill Practice

3 rounds working on some old and new skills

5 DB Deadlifts (2 DBs or KBs)

4 Pushups (floor/bar/wall)

3 Ring Rows (the hardest kind you have ever done)

2 Wall Walks or 30sec plank

1 minute skipping practice


10min AMRAP

10cal Row

10 MB Slams

100m Run

And then something a little spicy for you to work hard through.

782 Adaptive - 11am


3 Rounds

3-5 Strict Pullups

3 Barbell Clean & Jerks (add weight if need be)


20 minute Chipper - if get through once in under 20 minutes, go back through again

10cal Bike

20 Shuttle Wheels

30cal Ski

40cal Row

We will stagger start this for you to get you moving. As soon as you finish the strength work you can start this. If you want to just do one round and be finished that is fine too.

782 Teens - 330pm


EMOM x 5 rounds (10 minutes)

0: 2 Hang Power Cleans

1: 40 seconds skipping practice

The goal here is to work on your power in that hip extension.

It is a shortened movement so you need to really drive the legs through the grip and get the bar as high on your hips as possible.

We also want to see where your skipping is before the workout.


One time through


100 DU’s/200 SU’s/2 minutes of purposeful practice

75 Situps

50 Step Ups

25 Power Cleans (155/105) (115/75) (75/55)

50 Stationary Reverse Lunges

75 Situps

100 DU’s/200 SU’s/2 minutes of purposeful practice

20 minute Cap

The wheels on the bus go round and round. The speed up with the double unders, they move steady through the situps, the go forward and then in reverse on the step ups and reverse lunges, and on the cleans they go into four wheel drive to move through that sticking point.

- Team 782

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Few announcements here for the week that are important our members and coaches!

Congratulations to our very own fantastic athletes Anikha Greer and Mike Ives. Anikha has unofficially qualified for the Wodapalooza CrossFit Sanctional in the Teen Division by placing 3rd overall in the world and has qualified for the Atlas Games CrossFit Sanctional in the Teen Division by placing 1st overall. Mike has also unofficially qualified for the Atlas Games once again placing 7th in the 50+ Division. Also big shoutout to friends of the gym Colleen McQuaid & Kathleen Mitchell who have also qualified for the Atlas Games in Montreal next year.

Our coach at 782 Athletics, Sam Smiley, has his home opener with the rest of the UPEI Panthers at the turf at UPEI at 715pm against Acadia University. If you are free that evening please come out and support these awesome athletes that coach and train at 782 Athletics.

Athletics - 6/12/430/530


10 minutes to complete the following work:

‘Gymnastics Complex & Strength’

4 sets - ‘Grip It & Rip It’

3-5 Strict Pullups (banded/partner/etc.)

5-7 Leg Raises to best height

Work on you kipping swing practice for the T2B/Leg Raises and if you feel comfortable for the pullups as well.

Rest as long as needed b/w sets

Choose one of these complexes or make up your own that works for you and get work on the bar. Work at your own capacity either building strength in your pullups and core or work on stringing together some reps with your complex.


18 minute AMRAP


18 WBS

15cal Row or 200m Run

12 American KBS (53/35) (35/25)

9 Burpees

Hang on for dear life for this one. Yesterday was a barn burner. Today we just wanna go. And go. And go. Hang on and keep your sets unbroken and your transitions efficient going from movement to movement.

In between your gymnastics sets get yourself ready for this workout as well.

782 Stars 4 Life - 10am (CF782)


5 Sets - Superset

5 Back Squats - build in weight

10 Jumping Pullups or 5 Pullups

Grab your friend and grab a bar and get to work on your squats. In between your sets hit a few pullups or partner pullups to build that strength.


12min AMRAP

16 Air Squats

12cal Row

8 MB Situps

4 Burpees

782 Kids - 330pm


The Floor is Lava

MB Mania!


5 minute AMRAP x 2



7 MB Slams

5 KB Deadlifts

3 Burpees

Between your AMRAPs we will move upstairs and work on the following skills:



Rope Climbs

UPEI Panthers Cross Country Team - 630pm

Comp Class - 730pm (CF782)

For comp class we will complete the class workout during the 630 block and then at 730pm we will get into some Olympic Lifting work.

Olympic Lifting

5min EMOM

High Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance

This is to warm up so use light and focus on technique in your movement.

8 minutes to build in weight

Pause Hang Snatch (pause 2 seconds above the knee)

Comp WOD

AMRAP 5 x 3 Rounds

15 Double DB Front Squats (50/35)

50 DU’s

15 C2B

50 DU’s

Remaining time attempt a 1RM Snatch

Rest 2 minutes before moving back to the Squats.

You should complete the grunt work in about 3 minutes and have a couple of minutes to hit a lift under fatigue. At the 5 minute mark rest 2 minutes before doing it again two more times.

- Team 782

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hello all.

Reminder that we have a free trial class at 630pm at 782 Athletics. Tell your friends to come out, or even your enemies if you want to suffer alongside them.

If you haven’t yet sign yourself up to be on our MotionBall team.

Or to donate click on this link:

And get you name signed up for the golf tournament on our chalkboard!

Athletics- 430/530


Shoulder & Core Stamina

16 min E2MOM (4 Rounds)

0: 5 Push Press + Plank to the 90 second mark

2: ME Strict HSPU (one set) + Hollow Hold until the 90 second mark (break if need be)

Before our conditioning we want to work you through a bit of shoulder and core conditioning work. For the first two minutes hit your 5 Push Perss and then jump into a plank until the 1:30 mark. On the next 2 minute beep hit ME HSPU or 10 Box HSPU and then hold a hollow hold or knee tuck hold until the 1:30 mark. You may need to break this one or scale it, but it is fantastic to work through those abs.


‘Broad & Bouncy’


S2OH (95/65) (75/55) (55/35)

20 Lateral Jumps over the Bar after each set

12 minute time cap

Grab a bar, get some broad shoulders, and put a little bounce in your step. Do not underestimate these lateral hops. Move steady through them and make sure you breathe. Choose a weight you can cycle through unbroken with the barbell.

782 Adaptive - 11am (CF782)

Strength & Conditioning

‘Let’s Go!!!’

30 minute AMRAP

5 Box Dips

10 Pistol Press

15 Shuttle Wheels

20 WBS

25cal Row

Get it.

Kids - 330pm

Warmup & Workout Setup

MB Race

Waiter Tag


2 minutes on - 2 minutes off x 2 Rounds

100m Run

10 DB Snatch

ME lateral hops over the DB

10 minutes skill work on:


Wall Walks/Pushups

2 minutes on - 2 minutes off x 2 Rounds

100m Run

10 DB Snatch (5 per arm)

ME lateral hops over the DB

Trial Class - 630pm

- Team 782

Monday, September 9, 2019

Monday Funday!!

Hope you all stayed safe with this weather over the weekend. It is scary when you hear the wind howling outside and then you see pictures of the damage that mother nature has and can cause. I know everyone did their best to secure their belongings and look out for those people around them to make sure they are safe. Sorry we didn’t have the gym open today, but we are just grateful everyone has their own place to be and a community that looks out for one another during tough times.

We will be starting out teens and kids classes up at CrossFit 782 and 782 Athletics. CrossFit 782 will be having our regular teens classes Monday to Friday from 330 to 430 and 782 Athletics will be having our kids classes Monday to Wednesday from 330 to 430. Teens classes are for grades 7+ and the kids classes are for grades 3-6 ideally. We will also be open in the evenings at CrossFit 782 Monday to Thursday until 845pm and 7pm on Fridays. At 782 Athletics we will be open until 8pm Monday to Wednesday and Fridays until 7pm.

We will be having a trial class at 782 Athletics on Tuesday evening at 630pm for anyone interested in getting their friends out and involved.

Now on to the good stuff. Get ready to get back at it this week and get in your training!

Athletics - 6/12/430/530


12 minutes to build a heavy 3 rep Back Squat

This is a great chance to build back some strength here. Track your numbers here as we will be using these numbers for your future percentages during squatting strength and endurance work. Grab some spotters for this and work your way through this with good form.


‘Windy City’

3 Rounds (18 minute cap)

400/300/200m Run

30 Front or Goblet Squats (75/55) (55/35) (45/25)

20 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs

There is a hard time cap on here of 18 minute minutes to get the most out of the workout. Scale your run based on your ability to finish the run in approximately 90 seconds to 2 minutes each round at a reasonable pace. Choose a weight for your front squats you can go unbroken pretty much every round or at least in two big sets. Work through that core work efficiently and then grind out those burpee box jump overs. Again there is a hard 18 minute cap on this so choose your running distance appropriately.

PrimeTimers - 10am (CF782)


Balance Focused Work

3 Rounds as a group

40 second plank - 20 sec rest

40 second side plank - 20 second rest (20 seconds per side)

40 second 1 leg hold - 20 sec rest (20 seconds per leg)

Great work for the core and balance. Use a pole if need be or go from your knees for the plank if need be.


15 minute AMRAP

200m Row

15 Squat to the Ball or Box

10 Situps

5 Burpees

Time to get that body moving a bit here.

782 Kids - 330pm


Review and set up movements for the workout today.

A lot of you will be coming back for the first time after some time off during the summer so go at your own pace and think about good form during your movements.


5 minute AMRAP x 2

Skill work for 10 minutes b/w sets on rope climbs/wall walks/pullups

‘B.T.S.’ (Back to School)

200m Run

15 Air Squats

10 MB Situps

5 Burpees

Accessory Work

2 Rounds

5 Pullups or 10 Ring Rows

5-10 Perfect Pushups

After getting a bit of a sweat on and pushing hard we are going to take some time to build some upper body strength here.

UPEI Soccer Teams - 730pm

- Team 782

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hello all.

Schedule updates as we get back into the fall

  • We still have the 9am class Monday to Friday at CrossFit 782.

  • Teens class starts on Monday at 330pm. Trial class for anyone interested on Tuesday, September 10 at 330pm. This is at CrossFit 782

  • Kids Classes start at 330 at 782 Athletics from Monday to Wednesday.

Had a great class this am and a great conversation afterwards about the benefits of sleep. Especially during this time of transition we want to make sure we get enough sleep for our own personal needs. Sleep will help you make better choices for your nutrition and exercise and allows you to think clearer and treat those around you better. It can be taken for granted though and can be the first thing to go when things get busy. Make sure you find time for an adequate amount of sleep when you can and when you can’t, with work or kids or life, etc., use your free time to catch up on it.

Athletics - 10


Devil’s Press Practice x 2-3 reps x 2 sets

HSPU Practice x 6 reps x 2 sets (either work strict here or cycle speed)

During this 10 minute block after the warmup cycle through the Devil’s Press, the HSPU, and your WBS/Rowing before we get into the workout.


‘Deviled Eggs with Bacon’

16min AMRAP

8 Devil’s Presses (50/35) (35)/20)

12 HSPU/Box Pushups/Pushups

16 WBS

20cal Row

Something a little spicy here. Choose weights/numbers where you can keep moving through your reps. This is one of the comp workouts we have planned so we may be looking at doing it again so keep track of those rounds.

We will use the first 10 minutes after the warm up to get set up for the workout and test out the Devil’s Presses, which may be done for the first time for a lot of people. Work on finding a steady pace through this workout. We will probably do a bit of a stagger start with a larger group.

Accessory Work (optional)

3 Rounds

100’ Handstand Walk or 2 minute Handstand Walk Practice (can be against the wall)

20 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks

- Team 782

Friday, September 6, 2019


The weekend. After a short, but ever changing week.

This weekend we have our coaches outing so we will be at the gym as usual from 8am to 12 noon with classes at 8/9/10/11. After that we will be getting coached ourselves and doing some training before heading out for the afternoon and evening to plan out a few more activities for the gym for the fall.

Hope you all had a good few days back into routine. If you need any help with setting your routine or habits or goal setting of if you want to just start making some improvements ask us about our personal coaching that we offer and how we can help you with your own personal goals.

If you have not yet help us with our fundraising for MotionBall 2019 by clicking on this link and donating!

This on Saturday, September 14 at UPEI.

Athletics - 6/12/430/530


E2MOM x 5 Rounds (10 minutes)

3 Power Clean

3-5 Strict Pullups (scale these as needed) - add weight, use partners or bands, etc.


20min Partner AMRAP - alternate movements

10 C2B/Pullups/Ring Rows

10 Power Clean (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)

10 Burpees

Go fast and then rest. With your partner you should be able to do your movement unbroken before tagging in your partner and they will try and do the same thing. Scale numbers and movements as need be to get the best out of this for your fitness.

- Team 782

Thursday, September 5, 2019 (CF782)

G’day Thursday.

Big shout out to all of our teachers, to all of our students, to all of our parents who are settling back into school and routine tomorrow. We wish you all an amazing first day back and hope to see you all in here before your work/school day starts or after it ends, or even somewhere in between!

We will be continuing on with our schedule as we have it now.

Monday to Thursday - 6/9/12/430/530/630

Friday - 6/9/12/430/530

Saturday - 8/9/10/11

Sunday - 10

We will be open straight through from 6am onwards until our last class.

We will be adding back in our after school class for teens at 330 starting on Monday, September 9th. We will also be starting up a CrossFit 101 program at the end of September that will run for two months and that will run Mon/Tues/Thur at 730 and once on the weekend. If you have any friends interested tell them to come in for a free trial class this Tuesday, September 10 at 730pm!

Looking into the future we are planning on the month of October to be filled with seminars on different topics that may interest you for your health and fitness. If you have any ideas please let us know. They will most likely be done on Saturday afternoons after comp class, which will be added back in for October.

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630


16 minutes to build to a heavy 5 rep bench press

After each set complete 20 strict situps.

We will take this time to work on some upper body strength, getting some weight moving and working on form on this important movement to get stronger for your other lifts.


14min AMRAP

1K/800m Run/Row/Ski Buy In

With the remaining time AMRAP

20 WBS

30 Jumping Lunges

60 DU’s/120 SU’s/45 secs purposeful practice

PrimeTimers - 10am

5 sets - build in weight (if comfortable) and strength during this time

5 Deadlifts (BB)

10 Ring Rows

Work here on pulling yourself up and then pulling some weight off the floor. Be safe and deliberate with your movement.


1000 or 800 or 600m Row

You choose the number here and work at this as your first benchmark workout. We will probably go in two heats so you can cheer on your friends.


3 sets

20 sec one leg hold

20 sec other leg hold

10 Situps

782 Adaptive - 11am

Strength & Conditioning

3min AMRAP x 5 - rest 1 minute b/w AMRAPs

10 Pistol Press (5 per arm)

6 Shuttle Wheels

ME Row for cals

Work on spending 90 seconds on the first part to give you about 90 seconds to really pull through that row.

- Team 782

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hello and G’day.

See you all in here at some point this week.

It is time to get back into routine and that for a lot of people marks the end of the summer and comes with hope as well as sadness to see the spontaneity of summer leave us. Routine can be a glorious thing that allows us to create life long habits both mentally and physically as we slide back into a schedule. Routine can help us get to the gym more often, eat healthier, sleep better, and reach goals we have set over the summer. If you feel your routine dragging you into a rut find something to do to spark something new in your life and move forward again. For example once I hit the end of September I may be bored of the same ol’ day to day, but I can take a day to travel the Island or go to a show or change up my fitness routine by training outside again. And it is always easier with a buddy so find someone who can help you stick to your goals and habits and create opportunities for yourself for growth and learning.

Remember teens classes start back next Monday at 330 at CrossFit 782 and kids classes start back at 782 Athletics at 330 on Monday. The kids classes go Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for grades 4-7 and the teens are for grade 7+ and they run Monday to Friday.

Athletics - 6/12/430/530


EMOM 12 - (3 Rounds)

0: 3-8 Strict HSPU/Box Pushups

1: 45sec Active Hang

2: 15-20 Strict Situps


3 Rounds

400m Run

30 DB S2OH (15 per arm) - alternate arms as need be

20 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks

18 minute Time Cap

Some heavy core and shoulders here to get your stronger.

Stars 4 Life - 10am (CF 782)


Front Squats x 5reps x 4sets

Wall Walks x 2reps x 4sets

We will get you set up for these two movements and then let you have at them with your partners alternating back and forth.


3 minutes on - 3 minutes off x 2 Rounds

12 Goblet Squats

9 MB Situps

6 Pushups

3 Burpees

UPEI Cross Country Team - 630pm

Comp Class - 630pm (CF782)

Olympic Lifting

Barbell Cycling

Build up to a heavy Clean & Jerk in 15 minutes

Comp WOD 1

4 Rounds

15 Thrusters (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

This should burn quite a bit. Try to go at a pace on the burpees that allows you to attack the thrusters unbroken as long as possible or at the very least to keep moving.

We will get you warmed up during comp class at 630 with a little Olympic Lifting and then hit this workout with a judge ideally so you can track your score and we will share a document with those interested to track these scores over time. After this workout is done we will do the regular class training.

If you can not make the comp class and you are interested in competing you should complete this WOD during open gym and track your score.

- Team 782

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hello, Hello!

Had a great Labour Day weekend. Hope you all did as well.

Great things happening over at 782 Athletics with the workouts and anytime you want to get in for a workout there check out the schedule at

Love seeing groups of people get together and getting to know one another and growing as they do this. That is part of my love for the community we have here at 782 and one of the main reasons I want to keep doing what I am doing growing this beautiful space and group that we have. As new people enter your life embrace them for who they are and welcome them into our amazing circle we have here so we can all strive for success as a family and community.

Teens classes at CrossFit 782 (grades 7+) will start after school next week at 330, on Monday, September 9th. They will run Monday to Friday.

Kids classes at 782 Athletics will start next Monday, September 9 at 330pm and will run Monday to Wednesday for grades 3-7.

Athletics - 430/530


E2MOM x 6 Rounds (12 minutes)

1 and 1/4 Squats x 2 reps

3 Pullups

Get in and grab a barbell and work on some strength out of the hole for your clean. Pull yourself down, drive back up to above parallel and then drop back down and drive up out of that hole with power!


2 minutes on - 2 minutes off x 5 Rounds

6 Front Squats (135/95) (95/65) (75/55)

9 American KBS

12 Jumping Lunges

ME Burpee Box Jump Overs

782 PrimeTimers - 10am (CF782)


12 minutes to complete 5 sets

3 Front Squats

6 Pushups

Build up in weight for your front squats and work your best pushups from the bar or wall or from the floor.


12 minute AMRAP

100m Run

150m Row

10 Situps

15 Squats

Get after it!

782 Adaptive - 11am (CF782)

Strength & Conditioning

15 minute AMRAP

4 Pullups

8 Shuttle Wheels

12 DB Clean & Jerks (6 per arm)

16 WBS

Rest 5 minutes

5 minute Row for max calories

Some great work on some strength and conditioning and then from there go all out on the rower.

Comp Class Workout

This workout will be done during comp class on Wednesday evening at 630pm, but can be done at any point during open gym. We will track scores in google docs and from there we can track our scores against ourselves and others.

4 Rounds For Time

15 Thrusters (115/75) (95/65) (75/55)

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) (20/16)

For Rx you need to jump, for scaled you can step over the box.

This will be a push. If you can get a judge for this to get it done.

- Team 782

Monday, September 2, 2019

Hello all!

Remember our class schedule tomorrow goes a little something like this:

10 and 1115am at 782 Athletics (we will be on the turf)

12 to 2pm open gym at CrossFit 782

Hope this gives a little option to everyone. If you want to get in something a little different for your class workout come on by to 782 Athletics for a little work. If you want to get in and get after it for some open gym working on some skills come to CrossFit 782. Or who knows, do a little of both if you are feeling up for it!

CrossFit - 10am/1115am (@ 782 Athletics)

Teams of 3

30 minute Max Distance Sled Push

Every 2 minutes on the minute each member must stop and complete:

4 Burpees

8 Pushups

12 Situps

16 Squats

Something complete different here. On the count of 3,2,1, Go one member will start pushing the sled. The other two members will be walking along with the sled. At the 2 minute mark everyone will stop where they are and complete 4 burpees, 8 pushups, 12 situps, and 16 squats. In the first round this should take you about 30-45 seconds, if longer scale the numbers for the subsequent rounds. After you complete this round you can go back to pushing the sled until the next 2 minute mark. Rotate through your team who is pushing the sled.

Scaling options could be 2 burpees, 4 pushups, 6 situps, 8 squats or 3 burpees, 6 pushups, 9 situps, 12 squats or anything that works for you.

You will be doing the round at the 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28, and 30 minute mark.

- Team 782

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday, Let’s Gooooooo!

Reminder the schedule for Monday.

Class at 10 am and 1115 am at 782 Athletics.

Open gym from 12 to 2 at CrossFit 782.

Going to be a big turf workout on Monday at 782 Athletics so come one, come all for some fun and then nang out upstairs afterwards testing out the rope and gear we have over there.

Athletics - 10am


12 minutes to complete the following:

Build to a heavy 3 rep strict press

and then:

1 Set ME @ 80% of 3RM

1 Set ME @ 70% of 3RM



30 DU’s/60 SU’s/30secs purposeful practice

10 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks

5 Strict HSPU or 10 Kipping/Box HSPU/Pushups

Get it.

- Team 782

Friday, August 30, 2019

Hello Friday.

Schedule update for the weekend.

Saturday classes as usual. Sunday class at 10 as usual at CF782.

On Monday we will be having two AMAZING group classes at 10am and 1115 over at 782 Athletics. Let’s get a big crew out to get moving and have some fun. There will be some open gym there afterwards there for anyone wanting to try the rope and workout upstairs. We will also have open gym over at CrossFit 782 from 12pm to 2pm for anyone who can not make it over to Stratford.

This weekend coach Sam and the boys from UPEI play in the Mulligan Cup if you want to come out to check it out!

Get ready for a great long weekend with great people by getting in here on Friday and moving your body. Nothing helps release stress and help build good vibes other than letting yourself just come in and get to work and then let it all go afterwards. Can’t wait to see you.

Good luck to Morgan, Derek, and JIll competing in the Trifecta Obstacle Course Races this weekend!

Athletics - 6/9/12/430


E2MOM x 5 Rounds

2 OHS from the ground (first rep can be a squat snatch) or 2 Front Squats

3-6 Strict Pullups (always building that strength) or 1-2 Strict Ring MU’s

We want to help you get into some great functional strength and build that technique with your overhead squat.


With a partner - split reps as needed


C2B/Pullups/Ring Rows


OHS/Front Squat (135/95) (95/65) (75/55)


Let’s get it. 20 minute cap.

- Team 782

Thursday, August 29, 2019 (CF782)


For those of you who train with us I applaud you. Not because you train with us and we love you for it, but because you do CrossFit/Athletics and that is hard. Yes it is hard physically and we all know that, but it is just hard in general. This type of training exposes you to any physical weakness you may have. No one wants to see their weaknesses. But you all see them and you attack them and you keep coming back for more. And you use that in your real life. Life is hard sometimes and life will expose our weaknesses when we least expect it to. Challenging yourself to develop both physical and life skills will help you face difficult situations when they do arise. And they will come up from time to time, that is without question. So keep doing what you are doing. Enjoy the moments of glory, face your challenges head on, and keep be as awesome as you have been each day we see you.

Once we hit September we are going to be continuing our 9am class. We will also be adding our teens class back in at 330 during the first full week or school. Teens in grade 10+ are encouraged to attend the 630pm classes when they can. We will also be offering our CrossFit 101 program, starting the end of September. Stay tuned on how to get your friends signed up for that.

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630


12 minutes to build to a heavy 2rep Deadlift.

That first rep is also the toughest to get off the ground. Stay tight, stay solid and then move through that second rep as well.


E3MOM x 4 Rounds

10 Deadlifts (275/185) (205/135) (155/105)

20 WBS

40 Lateral Hops over the BarBell

ME Handstand Walk/Handstand Hold/Wall Walk Hold

After completing the first 3 pieces of work you will get right into a max effort piece of handstand work. At the 3 minute mark you will start back again at the deadlifts.

782 PrimeTime - 10am


Front Squat x 3reps x 4sets

Fewer reps here so we can go a little heavier.

Ring Rows x 6reps x 4sets

Get that body pulled up off the ground.


5min AMRAP x 2 - rest 3 minutes b/w AMRAPs

10cal Row/Bike/Ski

15 Ball Slams

10 Situps

15 Squats

782 Adaptive - 11am


3 Sets

BB Clean & Jerk x 3reps or DB C&J x 6reps per arm

ME Bike for cals for 60secs


15min AMRAP

300m Row

20 Pistol Press (10 per arm)

10 Shuttle Wheels

Get after it.

- Team 782

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Good day Wednesday.

Hope the farmers out there are enjoying lots of rain and everyone is staying inside and preparing themselves for back to school or back to routine!

We will be starting our kids program back up at 782 Athletics in the fall, the first full week back to school and this will run Monday to Wednesday at 330pm to start. We hope to add more classes as the sessions fill up and people find their routine with their schedules. This is for students in grades 3-6. Anyone older can be part of our teens program at CF782 and if you are younger please reach out to us as if we have the interest we could add something for this younger group.

As we all transition back into routine and the weather grows cooler what I am grateful for with this community we have here is the accountability it gives us all to keep coming in day after day. We all bring one another up with support and encouragement and a high five at the end of the workout. It is the community that allows people to become mentally and physically stronger.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530


E2MOM x 6 Rounds (12 minutes)

Push Jerk + Split Jerk


2 Push Jerks/Push Presses

Depending on where you are with this movement we will get you working on your footwork!


4 Rounds

15 S2OH (135/95) (95/65) (75/55)

15 V-Snaps

300m Run

18 minute cap

Stars 4 Life - 10am (CF782)


Deadlifts x 5reps x 4sets

Knee Tucks x 5reps x 4sets

Working on some great core strength here.


3min AMRAP - rest 3minutes x 2

3 Deadlifts

6 Burpees

9 Squats

12 Situps

ME Row for cals

Comp Class - 630pm (CF782)

  1. Olympic Lifting

    1. E90secs x 5

      1. 2 Jerk Drives + 1 Power Jerk

    2. E2MOM x 6

      1. Push Jerk + Split Jerk

  2. Online Qualifier WOD 3

  3. Chipper

    1. 1K Row/1K Run/150 DU’s

- Team 782

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hello all!

Wanted to give a huge shoutout to all of our athletes who competed over at the D-Town Throwdown. Marg joined up with a team from Moncton and took the ‘ship in the extremely competitive scaled division. Anikha also joined a team from Moncton and they finished 5th in the Rx division. Jill, Greg, Aaron, and Emily M. competed as a team and had a fantastic showing finishing 6th in the Rx division. As always they did 782 proud and competed with full effort over the course of the weekend.

Next week we will be introducing our revamped Comp class programming. We will have a specific class for these workouts on Wednesday nights at 630pm and Saturday early afternoons, but you can complete the workouts and programming at any point during the week during open gym. There will be a document that we will share around the maritimes that we can compare scores and track our progress over the weeks, months, and years.

Reminder that we have a free trial class at 630pm at 782 Athletics in Stratford.

Athletics - 430/530

Strength & Conditioning Skill Work

Every 90 seconds x 5 Rounds (30 minutes)

0: 2 Turkish Get Ups (1 per arm)

1: 100-200m Run

2: 5 Shoot Throughs

3: 100 DU’s/150 SU’s/60secs DU practice

Some skill work here to get in our conditioning. We will take some time after the warmup to get moving and then go over the shoot throughs and turkish get ups and practice our skipping and running. Scale things a needed so you can through the work in 60secs and have 30secs to get set up for the next piece.

782 Adaptive - 11am (CF782)

Strength & Conditioning

30min AMRAP

3 Pullups

6 Box Dips

9 Ball Slams

12 Shuttle Wheels

15 WBS

18cal Row

Great work here to get that engine going.

- Team 782

Monday, August 26, 2019


Never miss a Monday.

Start your week off right with a little trip to 782. Love having you here!

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530


E2MOM x 5 (10 minutes)

5 Back Squats

3-6 Strict Pullups (C2B/Banded/Partner/etc.)

Great work here to get strong in both your lower body and your gymnastics pulling motion.


3 Rounds

200m Run

20 Goblet Squats

20 Goblet Lunges

10 C2B + 5 Bar MU’s or 15 C2B/Pullups or 20 Ring Rows

Great work on your gymnastics here under fatigue.

PrimeTimers - 10am (CF782)


50’ Walking Lunge x 3sets

Unweighted Renegade Row x 10reps x 3sets

Some great balance work here. For the lunges work on moving smoothly and if that feels good add a bit of weight. For the renegade rows keep your feet wide to hold balance.


15min AMRAP

5 MB Situps

10 Squats

150m Run

200m Row

A bit of a longer one here to start off your week! Get it!

- Team 782

Sunday, August 25, 2019 (CF782)

Sunday Funday!

Always loving getting outside on Sundays to play around with the toys!

CrossFit - 10am


20min AMRAP

Buy In: 1 mile or 1K Run

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Air Squats

20 Situps

Grunt Work

12 minutes to accumulate

6 Sled Pulls or Pushes (25m)

12 Tire Flips

18 D-Ball Cleans

Get to work!

- Team 782

Saturday, August 24, 2019


Happy Saturday to you!

Athletics - 10am


E2MOM x 6 (12 minutes)

2 OHS (from the rack) - can snatch balance the first rep

8 Hollow Rocks

Build up slow in your overhead squats and take your time during those hollo rocks to build some core strength.


2min AMRAP x 4 - rest 2 minutes b/w AMRAPs (8 minutes of work, 16 minutes in total)

10 OHS or Front Squats (135/95) (95/65) (75/55)

10 Burpees over the Bar

Front Plank in the remaining time

Great chance to work on your form in the squats and move fast in the burpees. And then work on holding a solid plank to build up that core strength.

- Team 782

Friday, August 23, 2019


I hope you all have an amazing weekend here wherever you are!

We are heading to a wedding over in beautiful Lunenburg for one of my best friends from my X days. Going to try and hit some fitness on the way down there and enjoy my time catching up with old friends. Hope you have all been able to do the same over this summer at some point.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430


E2MOM x 5 (10 minutes)

3 Push Press (from the rack)

Handstand Walking + T2B practice

After getting you warmed up we’ll get you moving through a few reps on your push press and some practice for the workout. Just a chance here to work some skills and build some strength leading up to the workout.


20min AMRAP - with a partner - split as needed

200m Run (together)

30 DB S2OH (2 DBs)

30 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks

100’ Handstand Walk or 6 Wall Walks

Communication is key as always when it comes to a partner workout. Start with a plan and adjust as needed as you go through the movements.

- Team 782

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hello everyone!

Had some great feedback today again from a few people about reading this blog. I had no idea people actually even read these posts, let alone took them seriously. I figured most people scrolled through the rambling to get right to the workout. It may seem simple, but I do feel proud for this. I want to throw it out to you now and if you need to share anything with the larger group or if you would like to have me write about any topic please send me a note or a message and I will address it as much as I can.

There will be a trial class going on next Tuesday, August 27th at 630pm at 782 Athletics in Stratford. This is for people who are interested in getting started over there as soon as possible. It is for all ages from teens to seniors so if you know anyone interested in checking it out please tell them to come by!

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630 (CF782)


12 minutes to build to a heavy Hang Power Snatch x 2

Some solid work here moving a barbell. Focus on solid positioning with your bar and moving it fast through your hips.


16min AMRAP

Buy In: 1000/800m Row or 2500/2000m Bike

5 Power Snatch (165/110) (135/95) (95/65)

10 Burpees

15 Situps

20 Jumping Lunges

PrimeTimers - 10am (CF782)


3 sets - Superset

10 DB Pistol Press (5 each arm, alternate arms)

10 Ring Rows

10 MB Situps

Some structured strength here to keep you moving.


10min AMRAP

150m Row

100m Run/Jog/Walk

5 Ball Slams (heavy)

782 Adaptive - 11am (CF 782)


3 sets - Superset

10 DB Pistol Press (alternating arms, 5 per arm)

25 WBS

Some strength under fatigue here for you to get moving and your day started.


8cal Bike

16 Shuttle Wheels

24cal Ski

32cal Row

Some straight up work here!

- Team 782
