Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Hope you are all having a fantastic day.

For those of you who have seen me I’ll give you an update on what happened. Playing Tips (frisbee game, look er up) on Saturday and planted my foot to go for the catch and the foot went one way, the knee the other way and the rest of my body went into a back bend. I knew something wasn’t quite right as soon as it happened and now I will be in a walking boot for a few weeks. Such is life. I’d rather be moving and active and playing sports and take this chance than sitting on my butt watching life pass me by. Gives me a chance to test out all that #attitudegratitudefortitude during a time of adversity. I’ll just get huge shoulders and a six pack I guess. Thanks for everyone’s concern this week. Keep on keepin’ on!

Shirts should be in shortly.

Also stay alert for our CrossFit 101 sessions starting in the fall as well as a few free trial classes coming up over the next couple of weeks.

Next week we will start shifting our comp class to a real focus on benchmark workouts as well as learning to compete, a skill in itself, and to focus right in on our lifts.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530


E3MOM x 4 Rounds (12 minutes)

70 SU’s/30 DU’s

5 Strict Pullups (banded/partner/etc.)

3 High Box Jumps

Some gymnastics work here up on the bar. Be efficient in your movement. Keep your body in that hollow position and work through some good reps. Land high on those box jumps.


2 Rounds

20 Box Jump Overs

30 C2B/Pullups/Ring Rows

40 WBS

500m Run

20 minute cap

Scale the numbers and movements as need be. Keep moving.

Stars 4 Life - 10am (CF782)


Front Squats x 5reps x 3sets

Pullups x 3reps x 3sets

We will get you back on that pullup work building some upper body strength. We also want to make sure you are moving the right way with your squats.


3 Rounds - 15 minute cap

200m Run

15 Ball Slams

10 Ring Rows

5 Burpees

UPEI Cross Country Team - 630pm

Comp Class - 630pm (CF 782)

For comp class we will be completing our regular training and some Olympic lifting in the evening as well as a bit of capacity work.

Going forward we will be posting up a benchmark workout, some Olympic Lifting, and completing our regular training during this time block for anyone to complete during the week.

Class WOD

Olympic Lifting

Snatch Progressions


High Hang Power Snatch


Hang Power Snatch


Power Snatch

Assault Bike Intervals

2 sets

15-30cals As Fast As Possible

Rest 3-5 minutes between sets. Choose numbers that are appropriate for you to sprint.

- Team 782

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Hello all!

Another beautiful day and another chance to come in and get better this Tuesday.

Hope you are all enjoying your week and finding time for yourself and your workouts along the way.

As we transition back into the swing of things and routine make a plan for yourself and try to stick with it even when you are tired or busy or stressed. Creating habits through routine will help pull you through those tough days and times and keep the needle swinging forward.

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630


12min EMOM (4 Rounds)

0: 3-8 Strict HSPU/10 Box HSPU or Pushups

1: 40sec Farmers Hold

2: 25'-50’ Handstand Walk or 2 Wall Walks or 30sec Handstand Hold

Some solid grip and shoulder work here for your gymnastics.



(deficit) Strict HSPU/2x Box HSPU or Pushups

12 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks/Situps + 50 DU’s/100 SU’s/45secs practice after each set

Long live gymnastics right here!

Let’s get it!

Adaptive @ CF782 - 11am



15cal Row

10 Box Dips

5 Pullups

Some strength here mixed with a bit of rowing to get your day started.

A nice little warmup with some built in strength.


15min AMRAP

10 Shuttle Wheels

15 Ball Slams

20 WBS

25cal Row

Get after it here!

- Team 782

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hello, Hello!

Thank you to all those who came out to our annual 782 Summer Social. For those who missed it, we missed you for sure and can’t wait to catch up as always at the gym as we enjoy the rest of the summer. It was an afternoon of yard games, a few laughs, lots of good food and drink, and some amazing people!

Our shirt order should be in sometime by the end of the week and we will be looking at making another plan for our fall and winter apparel after that. We ordered extra shirts and hoodies if you missed out on the order the first time around.

MotionBall is coming up on Saturday, September 14th. We have been asked this year to be a corporate sponsor and will be looking to raise $1500 to support this amazing cause. You can use this link here below to donate.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530


E2MOM x 4 Rounds (8 minutes)

Clean + 2 Front Squats + Jerk

We will work a little here on your lifting. Move the bar will to your shoulders and then practice efficient squats before getting the bar up overhead.


20 minute AMRAP

Sled Pull Full Length & Back

10 DB Clean & Jerks (5 per arm)

10 Burpees over the DB

Rest 2 minutes

Grab a sled and move it fast to the other end and back and then move the dumbbell and your body before resting a couple minutes and then getting after it again.

PrimeTimers - 10am (CF782)


Front Squats x 5reps x 4sets

Ring Rows x 5reps x 4sets

Active Hang from Bar x 15-30secs x 4sets

We will set you up on these 3 movements and then allow you to work through your 4 sets for about 15 minutes. Work on your squat balance and depth and then your upper body strength here with the other two movements.


10 minute AMRAP

5 Goblet Squats

100m Run/Jog/Walk

5 Pushups

10 Situps

Get in and get moving!

- Team 782

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hello all!

Just a reminder that we have class tomorrow morning at 8am then we have the Beach WOD out at Blooming Point Beach at 10am for all members!

In the afternoon we hope you will join us at 155 Richard Drive from 2 to 7(ish) for burgers, oysters, mussels, beverages, yard games, snacks, and a good ol’ time. Summer is busy, but if you can even pop in for 5 minutes we hope to see you there! Bring any beverages you want for yourself and a great smile!

CrossFit - 8


12 minutes to build to a heavy 3 rep Hang Power Clean

Working on some efficiency in your lifting here.


3 Rounds - 18 minute cap

300m Run

20 WBS

10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) (95/65) (75/55)

Rest 1 minute

Get after it each round to earn that recovery.

Beach WOD - 10am

- Team 782

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hello all.

The weekend is upon us and we have some big news!

Hope you are excited to get in some running over the fall with Mike P. and add a different element to your training. These sessions will be open to all 782 members.

Had a rough day of training yesterday. Things didn’t feel great. Hands were sore. Shoulders were tight. Knees were cranky. Mind wanted to give up. But I didn’t. The days that everything feels good it is easy to push and it is easy to complete the tasks at hand. Those days are days to celebrate our character and our fitness. Days like yesterday are what builds character. It is not always going to be easy, in life and in the gym, but it will be our attitude towards these days that push us forward if we choose to accept them instead of letting them roll all over us. Hope this helps anyone who has ever had a rough day of training or life, as I am sure this is everyone!

We also have brilliant news about a comp classes. We will be bringing back the Saturday afternoon comp classes, time to be determined, to go along with the Wednesday evening comp classes. The focus of these classes will shift ever so slightly. We will be working on one of the Olympic LIfts on Wednesday evening and the other Olympic Lift on Saturday afternoon. We will also be programming a benchmark workout for each class and will be treating these workouts like a comp event. The programming for the comp classes will be released Sunday for the week and even if you can not make it to the classes, but want to compete you are expected to find some time in your week during open gym to hit the Oly work and complete the benchmark workouts sometime between Monday and Sunday. We will create a document on 782 where people can post their scores. These workouts are to be done on top of our regular training if you are interested in competing. We will be opening up these workouts to the general population around the maritimes too to compare scores.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430


12min EMOM - 3 Rounds

0: 200/150/100m Run

1: ME Burpees

2: ME Row/Bike/Ski for cals

3: Rest

Somewhere to push here. We will divide you into 4 teams and have you get after it. Push hard on each. Scale the run so that you can come in around the 50 second mark and get right after those burpees.

Team Work makes the Dream Work

D-Town WOD 3 - 4 Rounds with a team of 4 (2 rounds for each pair)

100 DU’s/150 SU’s/60secs DU practice (split) or 50 DU’s with the heavy rope

15 Synchro Double DB Snatches (50/35) (35/20) (20/15-)

12 Synchro T2B

9 Synchro Burpee Box Jump Overs (30/24) (24/20) (20/12)

15min Cap (10min cap at the comp)

Let’s do this thing!

Grab a team of 4 and send out two partners at first and then the next two partners once they complete a full round. Do 2 rounds per pair. This is just going to be a push each round with a lot of communication between you and your partner and your team. Things we all love at 782

- Team 782

Thursday, August 14, 2019 (@ CF782)

Thursday, Let’s Go!

We have a few announcements to go forward with today that I am super excited about leading into the fall.

We are going to be adding a running coach into the mix at CrossFit 782. Mike Peterson, who currently coaches the Colonel Gray and UPEI cross country teams, will be joining the 782 team and will be offering running clinics and classes year round 2-3 times per month. I have worked with Mike for the past 8 months doing some strength and conditioning with his athletes and I can’t wait to see what he can do with our athletes and our conditioning, running capacity, and technique. Details will be coming out next week for his first clinic here at 782 and these programs will be included in your 782 membership.

Shirts are ordered and will be here hopefully next week.

We will be starting to customize some clothing over the next weeks. Chat with us about details and how to get started with this. And let us know what other gear/clothing you would like ordered with our new patches!

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630

Strength & Conditioning

10mins at each station - 2 minutes to transition b/w stations

  1. 2K Row or 1 mile Run (time cap of 9 minutes)

    1. Just go on this one. A solid benchmark for conditioning.

  2. Build to a heavy 5 rep Bench Press

    1. Some upper body strength work here. Great addition to improve you lifting.

  3. 5 Rounds

    1. 6 Strict Leg Raises/12 Strict Situps/18 MB Twists

Grab a group of 5-6 people and work through your station for 10 minutes. Each one has a different stimulus. Some solid conditioning, some upper body strength, and some core strength. Focus on what you are working on and do it to the best of your ability.

PrimeTimers - 10am


12min EMOM (4 rounds)

0: 10 MB Slams

1: 10 Squats to the MB

2: 10 MB Situps

Something a little different here. Grab a medball and get to work. Focus on about 30-40 seconds of solid work and then rest before the next station.


10min AMRAP

150m Row

100m Run

5 Burpees

And now just straight up conditioning work. Go at your own pace. Focus on your breathing and staying relaxed as you get tired.

782 Adaptive - 11am


3 Rounds

6 Box Dips or 6 DB Push Press

60sec ME Bike or Ski or Row


15min AMRAP

400m Row

20 Shuttle Wheels

10 DB Clean & Jerks (5 per arm)

Get to work!

- Team 782

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hello all.

Shirt order is going in today. We will be ordering a few extras that can be purchased after we have everyone pick up the shirts/hoodies they have pre ordered.

Remember this Saturday come on out to Blooming Point for the beach WOD at 10am and then in the afternoon at 155 Richard Drive from 2-7 for our annual summer social. There will be a class at CF 782 at 8am that Saturday.

Also stay tuned for any additions to our schedule come September and our Labour Day weekend schedule.

To continue our work this week let’s focus on our support for ourselves and our support for one another. Everyone that walks through these doors at 782 has made a choice to get better, both mentally and physically. We may not know their stories, but by being a positive addition to their story, their life, it will help us add another positive experience to our own story. Think about that tomorrow during each interaction we get to make with the different people you may run into in and out of the gym.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530


E2MOM x 6 - 12 minutes

3 OHS - from the rack

Pullup/MU progressions - 3 strict pullups and then build into some work on your kipping pullups/muscle ups if you have them. Or work on your beat swings if that is where you are at the moment.


15-12-9 (30-24-18)

Bar MU’s/2x C2B or Pullups or Ring Rows

DB OH or Front Squat (L)

DB OH or Front Squat (R)

400m Run after each round (inside or outside)

Let’s get after it here. Choose a number for your muscle ups or pullups that works for you. Scale to work them in at least 3-4 sets. Move well through the overhead squats before adding too much weight.

Special Olympics - 630pm

Picture being taken for MotionBall!

Sport Specific - 630pm


- Team 782

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Twisted Tuesday.

Hope all is well and you are ready for a fantastic day here at 782.

Loved being at 782 Athletics for the day getting to know new members and be part of the Stratford community. Make sure you check out the schedule and get into this facility when you have the chance. Check out the schedule at

Shirts are on their way in now.

People asking what they can bring to the social this Saturday. Just yourselves and any extra snacks you may wanna have and share. We’ll be throwing down some burgers and hot dogs and beverages and have a few yard games on the go. Afternoon event so bring the kids and families! And don’t forget we are at the beach that morning at 10am, regular class at CF782 at 8am.

Once we hjt September we will be looking at starting back up our CrossFit 101 class. If you have anyone interested have them get in touch with us by the end of the summer!

Athletics - 430/530


E2MOM x 5 Rounds - 10 minutes

3 Deadlifts (build in weight)

3-6 Strict HSPU/Box Pushups/Pushups

Some great upper body work and some strength for that posterior chain.


2mins on - 2mins off x 5 Rounds (20 minutes)

5 Deadlifts (315/225lbs) (225/155lbs) (185/125lbs)

10-15 HSPU/Box Pushups/DB Strict Press (something unbroken to start)

10-15 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks (something unbroken to start)

ME Pushups

Let’s get it. Some solid core, cardio, gymnastics work here. Move well on each movement and you will get better long term.

782 Adaptive - 11am (CF 782)


3 Sets

10 Pistol Press (alternate arms)

5 Pullups

10 Pushups or Plate G2OH


3mins on - 1mins off x 4rounds

10 Plate G2OH

15 WBS

ME Row for Meters

Get it here. Take about a minute-minute and half to get your mobility and movement work in and then row hard for the rest of the time.

- Team 782

Monday, August 12, 2019

Monday. Let’s Go!

Few more weeks of summer left so let us enjoy every moment we have.

Continue getting into your fitness and enjoy quality time with those loved ones around you. If you get a chance this week take in some of the Old Home Week events. We have a few people in the 782 community involved with this awesome community event.

Saturday at 10am we have our second beach WOD at Blooming Point and then that afternoon we have our summer social at 155 Richard Drive from 2pm to 7pm. That evening we hope people will continue their get together out on the town.

Tomorrow I will be taking over the 782 Athletics Instagram and Facebook account and I will be over there from 6am to 8pm coaching and working and programming and all that fun stuff. Sam Smiley, our head coach there, is living his best life on vacation so I get the chance to take over this role a bit this week. Come check out one of these classes, schedule is here: and see what our Stratford location has to offer. Remember that your membership to CF782 and 782 Athletics gives you access to both fitness facilities!

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530/630


10 minutes to build to a heavy 3 rep Thruster - from the floor

We will get you into teams of 3 and let you move some weight to start the week. Work with efficient form before throwing on the weight.


Nice and Easy Chipper - 18 minute Cap

75/60/50 Thrusters (75/55) (55/35) (45/25)

75/60/50 Bar Facing Burpees

75/60/50cal Row/Ski/Bike

This is going to be fun. Scale the numbers before scaling the movements or anything. Let your coach know what you are going to do and get after it. This is a hard 18 minute cap as we want you to be honest with yourself on your fitness and scale the numbers to suit your ability. Push your pace to the best of your ability and see where you end up with this workout. Can’t wait.

- Team 782

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Hello all!

Sunday Funday.

Get in to the gym, have some fun, meet some cool new people!

Remember that on the 17th, Saturday, we are having our second beach WOD at 10am at Blooming Point Beach and then our summer social that afternoon from 2-7pm at 155 Richard Drive.

CrossFit - 10am


12 minutes to build to a heavy 5rep Bench Press.

Get in and get strong.


18min Partner AMRAP - alternate movements

8 Pushups

8 Box Jump Clears

16 WBS

16 KB Snatches (8 per arm, from the hang)

32 DU’s/70 SU’s/30secs DU practice

- Team 782

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hello all!

Let’s get in and get at it everyone this weekend.

If you have some free time come check out my father’s Antique Farm Show & Silent Auction. It is from 11am to 2pm out in Kinkora. For more information see Brett or Juliette or send them a message.

Shirt orders are being pushed back to Monday so get your orders in soon!

Next Saturday, the 17th, Beach WOD and summer social!

Athletics - 10


E2MOM x 5 (10 minutes)

3 Hang Power Snatch + 2-5 Strict Pullups

We will work on your overhead position as well as your pullup strength here before setting you up for the conditioning!


4min AMRAP x 2 - 4 minute rest b/w sets

20 DB Snatch

200m Run (around turf or outside to end of driveway and back)

20 Sandbag Squats

ME Burpees

Put that work in to give yourself lots of time for burpees!

- Team 782

Friday, August 9, 2019

Hello all!

We are going to do one last push for the shirt order and then send it out on August 12th!

Get on and get them ordered for the fall. We are looking at toques and sweats for the winter, but for now get these shirts to sport for the rest of the summer and into the fall!

Remember to keep the 17th of August open. Beach WOD at 10 at Blooming Point and then in the afternoon we will be having our 3rd Annual 782 Summer Social at 155 Richard Drive from 2-7 and then everyone can head out for the evening as need be! There will be washer toss, spike ball, cornhole, bbq, beers, and just a great ol’ time.

Now on to what we have for partner Friday!

Athletics - 6/9/12/430


EMOM 9 (3 Rounds)

0: 3-6 Ring Dips or 6-10 Box Dips

1: 8 DB Strict Press (controlled)

2: 20-30sec Hollow Hold

Some gymnastics for all here.


4 Rounds with a partner - split as needed

20 Strict HSPU or 40 Box HSPU or Pushups

30cal Row

40 V-Snaps

500m Run Together

25min Cap

Cardio, core, shoulder. Move well. Communicate with your partner. Be your best you.

Sport Specific Training - 530pm

Upper Body Endurance & Conditioning

- Team 782

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thirsty Thursday!

Let’s get in and get at it.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic week.

This week try and find 30 minutes one day for yourself just to sit and relax and be by yourself. You can read, write, meditate, or do whatever works for you to just be by yourself.

This weekend we have class at 8/9/10/11 and then at 12 we have a free intro for anyone interested in checking out 782!

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630

Strength & Conditioning

2 Rounds

30 Goblet Squats

50m Farmers Carry (2 lengths of the building)

30 American KBS

50m Farmers Carry

Cash Out - 3K or 1 mile Run

After you finish the 2 rounds we want you to take off on your run. If you have not completed the 2 rounds by the 12 minute mark you can leave for the run and finish the rest when you are back. For the run 3K is to the Belvedere Lights and back and the 1 mile mark is just past the Warburton sign.

PrimeTimers - 10am


Back Squats x 4reps x 4sets

We want you moving a bit of weight here to build up that strength. Move well and efficiently above all else.

DB Hang Clean & Jerks x 3 per arm x 4sets

We will review this movement and get you working with a bit of weight. Focus on your balance here too.


12min AMRAP

100m Run

3 Burpees

6 DB Clean & Jerks (3 per arm)

9 Squats

Adaptive @ 782 - 11am

Strength & Conditioning

30min AMRAP

1000m Row

20 Shuttle Wheels

10cal Bike

20cal Ski

Get through this one time for sure and then get back on the rower and pull away and see where you end up. Some full on grunt work.

- Team 782

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Wild Wednesday!

Let’s get in and get after it.

Hope your week has been going fantastic and you are looking forward to a great rest of the week.

Remember to keep your Saturday, August 17th open. Beach WOD in the am and then social in the afternoon at 155 Richard Drive.

As well if you are free this Saturday, the 10th, come on out to the Antique Farm Show and Silent Auction at my dad’s farm.

As well shirts are going in tomorrow so last chance to get your order in!

Athletics- 6/9/12/430/530


E2MOM x 6 Rounds (12 minutes

3 Hang Power Cleans or 3 Cleans + 6-10 T2B/Leg Raises

A great chance to practice two tough movements here.


18min AMRAP

10 DB Hang Clean & Jerks (5 per arm)

10 Burpees over the DB

Sled Push Half Length & Back

Rest 1 minute

Some straight up work here. Push hard each round right here.

Special Olympics - 630

Sport Training - 630

- Team 782

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Good evening.

Hope all is well this Tuesday.

To confirm things for Saturday, August 17th we will be heading to the beach for a beach WOD at Blooming Point at 10am. There will be a class at 8am at CrossFit 782, but we hope you can all make it to the beach to workout! That afternoon we will be having everyone over to 155 Richard Drive for our annual 782 summer party. Come one, come all. Going in the afternoon from 2pm to 7pm and then we can disperse for the evening to a different venue. Maybe the CDP given that it is Old Home Week!

Keep putting in your work over this next month before we get back into routine in September.

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630


EMOM 8 (4 Rounds)

0: 2-5 Strict Banded/Partner/etc. Pullups

1: 30sec Handstand Walk or Handstand Hold or Wall Walk Hold

Something here to set you up for the workout and practice a bit of strength and skill.


25min AMRAP

50 DU’s/100 SU’s/60secs practice

21 Plate G2OH

10 Burpees to Plate

15 C2B/Pullups/Ring Rows

200m Run

9 Bar MU’s or 18 Pushups

Fun little gymnastics/conditioning piece here. Move efficiently and keep breathing through every rep.

- Team 782

Monday, August 5, 2019

Hello all.

Order your shirts and hoodies as soon as possible!

I had a wonderful conversation with Carol Craswell the other morning after we did some training with the 9am class. I am usually coaching Carol during the 6am class and she is always ready for a challenge and always keen to learn new skills and improve on her current strengths.

During this conversation we got into talking about training and how she was excited to see some of the coaches train. She gave me a compliment that took me quite by surprise saying that I move like a natural. For anyone that knows me and has ever coached me before or worked with me to help me learn new skills they know this is the farthest thing from the truth. When I first learn a new skill, in the gym, on the farm, at home, etc. it usually takes me a tremendous amount of time to become proficient at the movement or skill. Hearing Carol say this to me was a very proud moment for me as it states that through the work I have put in over the past number of years in CrossFit the movements look like they come naturally to me. Thank you Carol.

I hope this goes to show that even if things don’t come naturally to you at first you can work hard enough to become more capable at these movements and in the process learn the ins and outs of how to help others learn how to improve and master certain skills.

Those are my ramblings for the day! Sorry to bore you!

Now on to the good stuff!

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530


15 minutes to complete the work

2 sets

10 Front Squats

10 High Box Jumps

Take the first 6-7 minutes to build up in weight and then hit a heavy set of 10 followed immediately by 10 high box jumps. After that rest for a good bit and then add some weight and hit another set, heavier ideally, of front squats and then your box jumps.


12min AMRAP

400m Run

30 Jumping Lunges

20 WBS

PrimeTimers - 10am (at CrossFit 782)


Barbell Deadlift x 5reps x 4sets

We will work on how to pick things up off the ground. If you are proficient in this movement you can add some weight!

Pushup x 5reps x 4sets

We will get you working on that upper body strength as well.


12min AMRAP

10cal Row

5 Perfect Pushups

10 Situps

5 Deadlifts

Sport Specific - 630pm


- Team 782

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Here is to a great morning at 782.

Let’s get in and get at it.

No big words of inspiration. Let’s just put in the work!

CrossFit - 8/9/10/11


E2MOM x 6 - 12 minutes

2 S2OH (split jerk, push jerk, push press)


Pullup/MU practice and HSPU practice


Buy In: 1K/800m Run

4 Rounds for Time

10 C2B/Pullups/Ring Rows

10 S2OH (95/65) (75/55) (55/35)

10 HSPU/Box HSPU/Pushups

Cash Out: 500/400m Run

Push the pace on that run both times and then manage that upper body fatigue.

- Team 782

Friday, August 2, 2019

Hello all.

The weekend is coming up! We hope we get some rain here overnight or sometime soon for my dad and all of the farmers on the Island.

Remember to keep the date open for Saturday, August 17th. We are going to be hosting a 782 summer social at our spot probably after a beach workout!

Also remember to get yourself a T-shirt pre order before we make our order August 5th! Here is the link:

Looking to the future and no one wants to here it, but September, we will be opening up another CrossFit 101 camp. Start chatting with your friends about getting started in this program!

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530

Strength & Conditioning

30min AMRAP

With a partner

40 WBS (20 each)

200m Run Together

40 DB Snatches (20 each, alternating arms)

20 T2B/Leg Raises/Knee Tucks (10 each)

A little bit of a fun one here. We will take the first bit of class after the warm up to get set up for the workout.

- Team 782

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Bring on August!

Hope you all survived the heat out there and are ready to tackle our second month of the summer.

Write up on our chalkboard the things you are grateful for, the strength in yourself or you have seen in others, and the attitude that will help you move forward no matter what is going on around you.

CrossFit - 6/9/12/430/530/630


12 minutes to build to a heavy 5 rep deadlift


20 minute AMRAP

12 Deadlift (185/125) (135/95) (75/55)

6 DB Thrusters (right)

12 Burpees

6 DB Thrusters (left)

Rest 1 minute

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hello Partners!

Just wanted to make sure we tell you to drink lots of water throughout the day whether or not you are training.

When it comes to training we still believe you should be getting in as much as you usually do, but just to manage your expectations. Our bodies may not be use to training in this heat, but our body will adapt to what we put it through, but just be safe when doing it. Still make sure you are eating as usual and eating after after your workouts. Lots of fruits and vegetables will help you stay hydrated if you do not feel like drinking a ton of water.

Keep the 17th of August free this summer ladies and gentlemen. We are going to be hosting our annual 782 summer party at 155 Richard Drive on that Saturday afternoon. We will be doing a beach WOD that morning as well given a good forecast in the weather.

And make sure you check out our website and pre-order those shirts!

Athletics - 6/9/12/430/530

Strength & Conditioning

10 minutes at each station - 1 minute to rotate stations

  1. Build to a heavy 8 rep Bench Press

  2. Jumping & Agility Ladder

    1. High Ladders (quick feet)

    2. Ladders (quick)

    3. 3 Hurdles + 3 High Box Jumps

  3. 2 sets

    1. ME Strict UB HSPU or 10 Box HSPu

    2. ME T2B

    3. 1-2 minute plank

Something a little different here to have some fun.

We will break you into 3 different groups and you will work at each station for 10 minutes. For the bench focus on keeping the hands tight and the body rigid when you lift. There will be 3 parts to the jumping station. One will be with the hurdles, one with the ladders, and one with the boxes and hurdles. Move through each one. The final station will be a bit of gymnastics and core work.

Sport Training - 630pm

Lower Body Endurance + Upper Body Stamina

Special Olympics PEI - 630pm

- Team 782
