Saturday, August 24, 2019


Happy Saturday to you!

Athletics - 10am


E2MOM x 6 (12 minutes)

2 OHS (from the rack) - can snatch balance the first rep

8 Hollow Rocks

Build up slow in your overhead squats and take your time during those hollo rocks to build some core strength.


2min AMRAP x 4 - rest 2 minutes b/w AMRAPs (8 minutes of work, 16 minutes in total)

10 OHS or Front Squats (135/95) (95/65) (75/55)

10 Burpees over the Bar

Front Plank in the remaining time

Great chance to work on your form in the squats and move fast in the burpees. And then work on holding a solid plank to build up that core strength.

- Team 782
