Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I am sure you have lots of information flying at you from all angles this week, as the gym starts opening back up, local restaurants start opening back up, and the province is taking steps to keep people safe along the way.

As we move into our next phase of on June 1st please remind yourself to have patience with others and with yourself as we are moving through and into very unknown times. Everyone has different opinions on how this should look and what is right and what is wrong, but please remember to take a moment before you criticize those around you. We are all trying to make this new normal work the best we can.

This week we are taking gear back from both locations.

CrossFit 782

Tuesday/Thursday - 10am to 3pm

Saturday - 11am to 1pm

782 Athletics

Wednesday/Friday - 10am to 3pm

We will be between the two locations this week getting our space set up for workouts come Monday morning. Please clean your gear off before returning it to the gym. We will wipe down the gear once we have it as well and set it up at both locations for our workouts starting June 1st.

Our full schedule for both spaces will be released this week, along with a list of protocols and procedures to follow for your training in the gym. We will also be releasing the plans for at home workouts, running workouts, and your mobility sessions. Please reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas.

We will also be releasing a scheduling app where you will be able to sign up for classes each week so we adequately keep track of class sizes. We will also be revamping the website so you and easily and effectively have access to these tools and keep up to date on any changes to our schedule/protocols.

Live Zoom Workouts - 7am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day


1K Run/Row or 5 minutes cardio

50 Burpees

1K Run/Row or 5 minutes cardio

35 Burpees

1K Run/Row or 5 minutes cardio

20 Burpees

Another re test from the early days of this pandemic!

Skills & Thrills

3 Rounds for Quality

5 Broad Jumps

10 Deadlifts (BB/KB/DB/Odd Object)

20 V-Snaps

Running Club

Mile Repeats

Great stamina builder!


2-4 Rounds

1 Mile Run

400m Jog

Look for consistency in your first two rounds and then complete more if feeling up for the task.

Cool Down.


“Appreciate the ROM”

  • Thread the Needle

  • Saddle Eagle

  • Puppy Dog

  • Seal / Sphinx

  • Single Leg Forward Fold

- Team 782

Mike Ives