Monday, May 25, 2020

This week we start the transition back to 782 in the physical sense.

There will be a lot of ups and downs, a lot of push and pull, a lot of plans and re plans as we move through this next phase as one.

I also know there will be a lot of compassion, a lot of patience, a lot of kindness for one another as we make changes to our fitness routine, to our new normal.

We look forward to making these changes with you and adapting to the new normal together.

We will continue our at home programming for those working out from the cottage, between Zoom meetings, when their children are down for a nap, when they have 15 minutes to just move.

We will also continue our at home running program and will be scheduling in ROMWOD classes three days per week on Zoom.

At both 782 Athletics and CrossFit 782 we will have an extended schedule to accommodate the smaller class sizes, but continue to provide the same capacity for our membership pre-pandemic.

There will be a half hour between each class to allow for cleaning of equipment and for people to reorganize their space for the next group coming in.

There will be zone where you will be able to complete your individual warmup, strength, and conditioning pieces amongst a group of supportive, strong, and grateful family of 782 athletes.

Our programming has always been in-house so we will be able to adapt our movements to keep you safe and build back strength and function efficiently and effectively.

We will continue to roll out our plans this week as we solidify a schedule and list of protocols needed to move back into our spaces safely and responsibly for the greater good of the community.

For gear take back we will be at CrossFit 782 and 782 Athletics between 10am and 3pm Tuesday through Friday. A specific schedule will be released tomorrow of these exact times and locations. Please clean your gear before coming back to the gym and leaving it out front. We will clean it again before organizing it through our two centres.

For this week we will be doing some retesting of workouts from the early days of this pandemic. You will be able to track your scores in SugarWOD to see what you have done and have some comparison of where you are now.

Live Zoom Workouts - 6am/12pm/5pm

Workout of the Day

“Hang In There”

5 Rounds

9 Perfect Pushups

18 Weighted Step Back Lunges

27 Situps

directly into

3 Rounds

30 Weighted Squats

30 Lateral Hops over Weight

directly into

1 Round

Max Plank Hold For Time

782 Skills & Thrills

4 Rounds

5 Pullups or Bent Over Rows

50’ Handstand Walk or 50 Shoulder Taps or 1 minute Practice

5 Back Squats (your choice of tempo/weight)

782 Running Club

Added Monday Morning

782 Mobility

Child's Pose w/ Shoulders


Twisted Lizard

Seated Forward Fold

Seated Straddle

- Team 782

Mike Ives