Tuesday, June 2, 2020


We hope you all had a fantastic, fantastic first day.

It makes me feel so proud seeing you all back here.

Take the first week and be patient with yourself. Keep moving. Go slow when you need to go slow and be safe with your movement.

This would be a great time to really focus back in technique.

Move well. Move efficient. Be supportive.

Be your best you.

Keep up the great work all week.

Few things to announce.

We will be giving out chalk to each of you this week to keep for yourself. This will be kept in your bag to be used from class to class. Keep it safe and only use it when you need it.

Please bring in a bag tomorrow so you can put your chalk in.

Reminder that all our kids/sport/specialty classes will start next week.

For those teens in grade 9 through to high school they can book in this week and come to the classes.



Again for the programming we will build slow and steady.

Lots of strict work to start, all the while getting a barbell back in your hands and giving you movements you may have not seen in a while.

You will continue to see our foundational movements, like the squats, burpees, pushups, etc. as our body can do these safely, but we will mix these in with other, more technical movements.

CrossFit 782 - 530/7/830/10/12/130/3/430/6/730

782 Athletics - 6/730/9/1030/12/130/3/430/6/730


Coaches Choice


10 minute E2MOM - 5 Rounds

3 Strict Press

20 second Hollow Hold

10 Russian Kettlebell Swings

We start building up some of that overhead strength and at the same time continue to strengthen the posterior chain in a safe and effective manner.


“Take Two”

2 minute AMRAP - 1 minute Rest

5 Rounds

5 Shoulder to Overhead

10 Step Back Lunges

20 DU’s/30 SU’s

Again short, fast sets to keep you moving.

Choose a load you can move overhead unbroken and safely.

We have done lots of lunges and will continue to work on that coordination and balance.

And now time to show off those double unders you have been working on!


Tuesday ROMWOD

Loving this to end off the class.

Stay Swole & Flexy.

At Home Workout

“Take Two At Home”

2 minutes on - 1 minute off

5 Rounds

5 Pushups

10 Step Back Lunges

20 Lateral Hops

Let’s Go!

- Team 782

Mike Ives