Monday, June 1, 2020

Welcome Back.

782 Crew 2.0.

Please be patient. Please be kind. Please be respectful.

To those around you, to the space you are coming back to, and especially to yourself.

If you have not been on the scheduling site yet please do soon as soon as you can to add yourself to the classes.

You can book spaces at both CrossFit 782 and 782 Athletics through this app.

If you are having any issues with this please email or using onramp so we can help you as soon as possible.

This week we are trialing schedules at both spaces and things may change from week to week.

This week we will NOT have our sports teams, kids, or specialty classes.

These kids classes and specialty classes and sports teams will start next week with their schedule for the summer once we have all our systems in place. Thank you again for your patience.

Upon entering the gym you will wash your hands and put your bag beside your space.

From there you will get the gear you will need for the class and put it in your space and start getting mentally and physically prepared for the class.

The coach will lead a group warmup from your space and then you will move into a strength or skill portion and then get into you classic CrossFit conditioning. Depending on the day/time of the class you will do a cool down/finishing piece. Some days this will be ROMWOD, some days this will be core or skill or accessory work.

You will have 15 minutes to clean your gear down and put it back. The coach will be cleaning the general area and the you will exit through a different door from where you entered and the people from the next class can start coming in 10 minutes prior to their class.

Thank you again for being part of such an amazing community. We look forward to seeing you all this week.

CrossFit 782 - 530/7/830/10/12/130/3/430/6/730

782 Athletics - 6/730/9/1030/12/130/3/430/6/730


10 minutes - Coaches Choice


12 minute E2MOM - 6 Rounds

Clean + 3 Front Squats

3-5 Strict Pullups (banded) or 6-8 Jumping Pullups

We are working our way back into things here for you today.

Stay light and move well through those squats. Your strength will come back, but for now just be patient with yourself. Move well now and you will be able to move well for life.

For those pullups work at what you can. Get a band if necessary and work at them. Or do singles and just practice getting some capacity back in for yourself.



12 minute AMRAP

6 Hang Power Cleans

9 Box Jumps (Jump Up/Step Down) or 9 Step Ups

12 MB Situps

A classic triplet for you all to come back to. Nothing crazy here, but something for everyone.

Go with a weight you can move WELL for 12 minutes.

Heavy enough to challenge how you are feeling today, but not so heavy that your form falls apart.

You have missed the barbell, but we want to build it back into your life slowly, but surely.

You may have practiced your broad jumps, but now we want you jumping on a box. Stay consistent through these from rep to rep.

We all still need lots of core work. If you have not had an abmat here you go. Same goes for the medball.


Coaches will lead you through today’s ROMWOD at the end of class.

At Home Programming

12 minute AMRAP

6 Odd Object Cleans

9 Burpees

12 Weighted Situps

We will continue the running workouts each week.

Mike Peterson will post those up for everyone tomorrow.

We will continue with the at home workouts posted daily and once we find a routine we will be able to able to add in Zoom workouts and Zoom ROMWODs for the people to do on days they can not make it to the gym.


- Team 782

Mike Ives