Saturday, May 30, 2020

Hello All.

Our last Zoom class for now tomorrow morning at 10am!

Come one, come all!

We will be at CrossFit 782 between 10am and 3pm on Saturday to receive gear from you all!

If you need help picking up gear please let us know.

Tomorrow afternoon we will be releasing our new website with the scheduling app that will allow you to book in for your classes at both 782 Athletics and CrossFit 782.

When booking in if you are able to book in for off-peak hours that would be great and keep the peak hours open for people who are still only able to come in either in the morning before work or in the evenings after work.

Below is our tentative schedule for the first week as this will be a moving target as we figure out what people need and want and where the demand is for classes and capacity

Monday to Friday

782 Athletics (8 people per class)



9am (kids)



130pm (teens)




CrossFit 782 (10 people per class)




10am (PrimeTimers M/W; Adaptive T/Th)


1pm (Teen Friendly)





This schedule will be confirmed tomorrow and posted to our scheduling app and new website so people can book in for their classes. There will also be the option to cancel classes and a wait list for people to join in case people cancel. You will also receive notifications for your classes either the night before or the morning of the class to remind you of your schedule.

Zoom Workout - 10am

Workout of the Day

“Deck of Cards”

This one was our first Saturday workout way back when this all began.

Same rep scheme applies

A = 1 2 = 2 3 = 3 4 = 4 5 = 5 6 = 6 7 = 7 8 = 8 9 = 9 10 = 10 J = 11 Q = 12 K = 13

Club = Burpees

Spade = Ground to Overhead

Heart = Squat Jump/Squat

Diamond = Weighted Situp/Situp

If you have a backpack or piece of equipment to use for your weight that would be great.

Skills & Thrills

Get outside!

Running Club

Rest Day


“Just Stretch”

  • Fragon

  • Seated Straddle

  • Standing Straddle

  • Half Front Split

- Team 782

Mike Ives