Friday, May 29, 2020

Hello All!

Hope you are all enjoying this glorious weather this week.

We have been solidifying our scheduling for the first week and will have that out to you tomorrow as well as the scheduling app so you can book in your classes. As with everything right now what we release for the first week may change as we move into the middle of June so please be patient and open right now.

For booking your classes we ask that if you are able to come to the non-peak classes try and do so as there will still be people working 9-5 or 8-4 and need to come to come to the early morning classes or evening and suppertime classes.

We have a system in place at both CF782 and 782Ath to minimize physical interactions and maintain social distancing, all the while trying to give you back the best part of your day.

This includes washing your hands upon entrance, cleaning your gear after class, etc.

We also ask that if you are experiencing COVID related symptoms to stay home to keep those around you safe. There will still be at home programming for each day.

For gear take back we will be at 782 Athletics tomorrow from 10 to 3 and we will also be at CF782 from 1 to 4.

We will also be at CF782 on Saturday from 10 to 3 and if you need gear picked up please let us know as soon as possible so we can arrange to do this.

Thank you as always for your patience and understanding. Can’t wait to see you all.

Zoom Workout - 6/12/5

Workout of the Day

Maritimes in Motion Workout #5

“Final Countdown”


0:00 - 2:00

12 Pistols/30 Squat Jumps

2 Single Arm Devil's Press

2:00 - 4:00

12 Pistols/30 Squat Jumps

4 Single Arm Devil's Press

4:00 - 6:00

12 Pistols/30 Squat Jumps

6 Single Arm Devil's Press

Add 2 reps of the Devil's Press every 2 minutes until you can not complete the work within the 2 minute cap.

Move Hard

0:00 - 2:00

12 Pistols/30 Squat Jumps

2 Burpee Ground to Overhead

2:00 - 4:00

12 Pistols/30 Squat Jumps

4 Burpee Ground to Overhead

4:00 - 6:00 12 Pistols/30 Squat Jumps

6 Burpee Ground to Overhead

Add 2 reps of the Burpee Ground to Overhead every 2 minutes until you can not complete the work within the 2 minute cap.

Just Move

0:00 - 2:00

20 Air Squats

2 Inchworms

2:00 - 4:00

20 Air Squats

4 Inchworms

4:00 - 6:00

20 Air Squats

6 Inchworms

Add 2 reps of the Inchworm every 2 minutes until you can not complete the work within the 2 minute cap.

Skills & Thrills

4 Rounds

5 Strict Pullups

5 Weighted Squats

25’ Handstand Walk/45 seconds practice/3 Wall Walks

Running Club

Rest Day


“No Days Off”


Twisted Lizard

Half Saddle

Seated Cross Shin

- Team 782

Mike Ives