Saturday, May 23, 2020

The weekend is here!!

Hope you are able to get outside and enjoy some of this sunny weather, whether it be working out or just hanging with family and friends.

We had sent out an email on Thursday looking for people’s ideal fitness schedule in and out of the gym. We have received tremendous feedback and it makes us even more excited to get back into the gym with you all and keep up the great training.

If you are not receiving these emails for some reason, check your junk mail and if it is not landing there, send an email to so we can sort that out as soon as possible.

There will be a number of emails going out over the next few days about schedule, gear take back, cleaning protocols, etc. and we want to make sure you are all in the loop. These updates will also be posted to the blog and social media so you can check those spots if you feel you are missing out on anything!

Zoom Live Workout - 10am

Workout of the Day

Maritimes in Motion Workout #4

“Pump The Brakes”

4 Rounds

40 Jumping Lunges

30 DB Floor Press

20 DB Overhead Squats/Front Squats

Choose your division here and get to work on your movement!

Skills & Thrills

4 Rounds

5 Pullups or Bent Over Rows

5 Strict HSPU or Weighted Pushups

15 V-Snaps

Gymnastics skills to keep that body strong!

Running Club

Rest Day


“Worth the Time”



Extended Arm Lizard


- Team 782
