Friday, June 5, 2020

Hello all!

Few announcements leading into the weekend.

We will have classes at CrossFit 782 and 782 Athletics.


782 Athletics



CrossFit 782






CrossFit 782



Once we see how these classes fill up over the next 12-24 hours we will be able to adjust classes (add more) if we are reaching capacity and want to give people more space to get in to get training.

Thank you for being patient with us through this all. We are all working together to give you the best experience we can as we navigate the new normals.

We will also be adding a track workout this Saturday. Once we work out the logistics of the government rules we will name the time and place and add it to the scheduling app so people can sign up.

For the remainder of the spring/summer we will be continuing the Saturday workout experiences as we will meet at different locations to get some fitness in according to whatever rules are in place at the time.

If you are looking for a place to track your scores/times/etc. you can download the SugarWOD app and join the CrossFit 782 team and start tracking your daily scores and lifts and give fist pumps to your fellow members.

CrossFit 782 - 530/7/830/10/12/130/3/430/6/730

782 Athletics - 6/730/9/1030/12/130/3/430/6/730


Coaches Choice


10 minute E2MOM - 5 Rounds

4 Deadlifts

30 seconds Handstand Hold attempt/practice or 5 Strict Box HSPU/Hips elevated HSPU


“Friendly Fellas”

“Friendly Fella 1”

7 minute AMRAP

10 Burpees

100m Run

Rest 4 minutes (clean rowers)

“Friendly Fella 2”

7 minute AMRAP

10/8cal Row

15 Air Squats



“See The Best”

Twisted Cross

Thread the Needle

Saddle Eagle

Low Dragon

Saddle Seated Forward Fold

Child's Pose

Stay Swole & Flexy

Let’s Go!

At Home Programming

“Friendly Fellas @ Home”

14 minute Partner AMRAP

10 Burpees

200m Run

alternate rounds with a partner or rest 1:1 for work to rest ratio

Have some fun at home.

- Team 782

Mike Ives