Monday, June 8, 2020

Hello Crew.

If you have any questions or ideas for us please reach out to either Mike or I at any point!

We are ready with you all for another outstanding week within our 782 walls and as part of our 782 Family.

Community & Fitness has always been the driving force behind what we do to help you improve you overall health and wellness.

This will only continue to improve as we move forward together.

See you all this week.

Check out for all future updates.

782 Fitness - 6/730/9/1030(PrimeTimers)/12/130/3/430/6/730

782 Athletics - 6/730/9/1030/12/130/3/430/6/730


Coaches Choice


12 minute E2MOM

4 Rounds

0: 3 Pause Front Squats - 2 second pause at the bottom

1: 3-5 Strict Pullups or 6-8 Jumping Pullups or 5 Scap Pullups

2: 30 second Hollow Hold

We continue on our trend of building our strength back. Slowly, but surely.

Stay light with your back squats and focus on solid movement patterns.

For the strict press, stay light and move well with your core engaged and then hold that hollow hold for 30 seconds to build that hard midline.


“Stand Up”

12 minute AMRAP

7 (deep) Ring Rows

5 Cleans (135/95lbs) (95/65lbs) (75/55lbs)

30 DU’s/50 SU’s/30 seconds skipping practice

We continue to look at building some upper body strength here with your ring rows.

If you comfortable with this movement work on your squat cleans.

And then we continue building in some skipping to get you back at this movement if you have missed it.


As we move through this week we will continue to work on mobility and core work.

We all know we should be doing this work, but it is not always easy doing it on our own.

I believe ROMWOD will help us all maximize our fitness and keep us healthy and safe long term.

Keep up the work on this type of training as much as you can.

At Home Workout

“Stand Up at Home”

12 minute AMRAP

5 Odd Object Front Squats

10 Renegade Rows

30 DU’s/50 SU’s/30 Lateral Hops

- Team 782

Mike Ives