Friday, July 12, 2019

Good day and good evening.

Let’s get in the gym and get after it this Friday.

Love having the garage door open and seeing everyone work out outside. Couple of days of rain on the horizon so let us remember this is good for the farmers and then enjoy that sun when it comes back out again.

If you have not yet check out one of our classes at CrossFit 782. You can drop in at anytime no matter the experience you have in fitness. High quality coaching with an emphasis on training for functional fitness and life.

This Saturday come on out to Greg and Allison’s wedding dance at the Great Victorian in Victoria, PEI. Anytime after 830pm. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Athletics - 6/9/12/430


E2MOM x 5 Rounds - 10 minutes

3 Push Jerks

Handstand Walking Practice/Wall Walks/Handstand Holds

Work on your pressing overhead and then get in some movement upside down.


3 Rounds with a partner; split as needed

200 DU’s/400 SU’s/3minutes of DU practice (practice can be done at the same time)

30 HSPU/Box HSPU/Pushups

40 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (5 reps per arm at a time)

18min Time Cap

Sport - 530

Upper Body Conditioning

- Team 782
